sunshine 发表于 2018-12-3 13:40:24


翻译硕士英语单项选择:共30题,主要考察词词组活用,语法,句式等内容。阅读:第一篇是关于印度的酒店产业;第二篇是关于航空公司忽视电子设备的禁令;第三篇是关于移动设备逐渐缺乏创新活力;第四篇主讲高利贷产业。四篇阅读全部选自经济学人,三篇取自商业版块,这么高的比例,相信大家都不敢轻视经济学人的重要性了吧作文:有人说机器翻译越来越完美,你认为能否取代pure human work? What’s your view? Write an essay not less than 400 words with an elaborate title.英语翻译基础短语汉译英人力资源部和社会保障部中国科学院十九大国家旅游局贸易自由化非政府组织全面战略伙伴关系和平共处全球治理中国(上海)自由贸易区零和游戏外商直接投资香港特别行政区千家发展目标短语英译汉Greater Mekong Sub-regionDigital divideDemographic dividendWorld Economic ForumStem cell researchNatural reserveThe Latin America and the CaribbeGulf Cooperation CouncilEconomic deleveragingNuclear non-proliferationFood and Agriculture OrganizationSpecial drawing rightsInternet of ThingsQuantitive easingEcological footprint英译汉选自The Genius of Science: A Portrait GalleryNo one can understand history without continually relating the long periods to the experiences of our own short lives. Five years is a lot. Twenty years is the horizon to most people. Fifty years is antiquity. To understand how the impact of destiny fell upon any generation of men one must first imagine their position and then apply the time-scale of our own lives. Thus nearly all changes were far less perceptible to those who lived through them from day to day than appears when the salient features of an epoch are extracted by the chronicler. We peer at these scenes through dim telescopes of research across a gulf of nearly two thousand years. We cannot doubt that the second and to some extent the third century of the Christian era, in contrast with all that had gone before and most that was to follow, were a Golden Age for Britain. But by the early part of the fourth century shadows had fallen upon this imperfect yet none the less tolerable society. By steady, persistent steps the sense of security departed from Roman Britain. Its citizens felt by daily experience a sense that the world-wide system of which they formed a partner province was in decline.……汉译英  从近年来的版画作品展来看,中国版画已经突破以往“小幅创作,难当大任”的固话印象,在形式语言推陈出新,创作主题多元探索,尤其是超大尺幅的创作等方面实现了跨越式发展,重大历史题材,现实题材领域涌现出一批优秀作品。  作为一门具有中西两种艺术传统,融入中国社会现代进程,古老又具有新兴特质的艺术,在从“高原”迈向“高峰”的进程中,用民族语言讲好中国故事,进一步彰显中国气质和中国精神,中国版画大有可为。  作为中国美术的一个重要门类,中国版画承载着民族精神,回顾版画在中国漫长的历史发展,从复制版画到创作型版画,其不断应时代需求转型,并在促进文化传播,加速文明发展,推动社会进步等方面,扮演了重要角色,并彰显不同时代的审美追求。(选自《人民日报》)汉语写作与百科知识Part 1 解释段落中划线的知识点(50):  1.供给侧结构性改革 全要素生产率 实体经济微观主体 宏观调控  2.市场经济体制 产权制度 国有资产 市场准入负面清单制度商事改革制度  3.绿色金融 清洁能源 大气污染防治土壤污染管控 农业面源污染  4.语言服务业 服务贸易 全球产业链 “一带一路” 高科技产业Part 2 公文写作(40):首届中国北京国际语言文化博览会,北京市语委,北京市贸促委承办,北京市语言文字工作协会主要经营,为承办人写一份公文,向上级领导汇报情况。Part 3自立意作文(60):洋节日对中华文化和民族节日的冲击,(散文,诗歌,小说,话剧均可)不少于800字。​​​​
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