本帖最后由 sunshine 于 2019-3-6 16:58 编辑广东外语外贸大学新闻与传播学院始建于2005年,前身为1997年创办的国际新闻专业。学院以建设国际化特色鲜明的高水平新闻传播学科为目标,秉持专业+外语的学科发展理念,着力构建“全媒体国际传播学科体系”,打造“国际传播,华南重镇”。经过二十多年的发展,已经形成学科体系较为完整,人才培养层次较为齐全,教学科研团队结构合理、实力较强,科学研究成果丰硕,社会服务能力较强,学生就业率高、声誉好的良好局面。学院现有新闻学、广告学、网络与新媒体、播音与主持艺术四个本科专业,设有新闻传播学一级学科硕士点和新闻与传播专业硕士学位授权点。学院拥有广东省国际传播青年人才培养基地、广州市社科重点研究基地“广州国际城市创新传播研究中心”、校级重点研究基地“马克思主义新闻观与中国话语体系研究中心”、“政府传播与国际舆情研究中心”,校级科研创新团队“城市形象国际传播研究”;学院下设“国际新闻”、“公共传播与国际舆情”、“跨文化传播与国际传播”、 “城市传播与国际品牌”四个科研创新团队,以及“多语种国际调查中心”、“政府传播与危机管理咨询实训中心”、“全媒体创新实验中心”及“全媒体创新创业中心”等教学科研平台。学院与羊城晚报报业集团共建“广外——羊晚全媒体与国际传播研究院”,与人民网、新华网、南方网、腾讯网及中译语通科技(北京)公司等建立全面战略合作关系。学院致力于打造华南地区领先、国内一流、有一定国际影响力的“全媒体与国际传播”教学科研重镇,构建集人才培养、科学研究、决策咨询服务于一体的政-媒-产-学-研高端智库型平台。
Introduction to the School of Journalism and Communication
The School of Journalism and Communication at GDUFS was founded in 2005 and emerged out of the International Journalism program offered to students majoring in English. Since the School’s establishment, teaching journalism in English has been a major concept. Our goal is to develop into an influential base for teaching and research in international communication throughout the country, particularly in South China. Over 20 years of development, we now offer 4 undergraduate majors (Journalism, Advertising, Broadcasting and Hosting, and Internet and New Media) and 2 graduate programs including Discipline Master’s Degree in Journalism and Communication and Master of Journalism and Communication. We not only have excelled at academic research, but also have provided services to governments and various other organizations. Our 100% employment rate of graduates ranks at the top among China’s journalism schools. The school established Base for Young Talent Training in International Communication of Guangdong Province, and also runs a municipal-level key social science research base named Guangzhou Center for Innovative Communication in International Cities, and two university-level key research centers: Research Center for Marxist Views of Journalism and Chinese Discourse System and Research Center for Political Communication and International Public Opinions. The school also has a university-level team for research on international communication of urban image. The school also consists of four innovation teams, respectively in International journalism, intercultural communication and international communication, public communication and global public opinion, and urban communication and international brand communication. The school still runs several platforms for teaching and scientific research including Multilingual International Survey Center, Training Center for Political Communication and Crisis Management Consultancy, All-media Innovation Experiment Center, and All-media Innovation and Entrepreneurship Center. The school also has co-built and runs the Research Institute for Omnimedia and International Communication with the local press group, Yangcheng Evening News. Comprehensive cooperation has been established with People’s Daily Online, Tencent, Global Tone Communication Technology Co., Ltd and Xinhua Online. Teachers in our school are undertaking over 40 national and provincial and ministerial research programs, and dozens of programs sponsored by governments, enterprises and institutions. They have published more than 70 monographs, translated books, textbooks and hundreds of high quality papers. The school’s staff includes 12 professors and 11 associate professors, 27 teachers with doctoral degrees, 6 who are pursuing doctor’s degrees and 4 full-time foreign teachers. Three-quarters of the teaching staff possess overseas study experience, while 30% have obtained their degrees from abroad, and 30% can conduct all-English instruction. We have established academic exchange and cooperation programs for both undergraduates and postgraduates with over 10 universities in the UK, USA, Australia, Taiwan and Hong Kong. In recent years our Journalism BA program won awards from the Guangdong Provincial Education Department and was chosen as a provincial test-bed for innovative and excellent journalism education. 广州国际城市创新传播研究中心介绍:
Guangzhou Center for Innovative Communication in International Cities established in Sept, 2016, the key research base of Guangzhou Humanities and Social Sciences, and is the collective base of Guangdong University of Foreign Studies, School of Journalism and Communication, Guangdong Collaborative Innovation Center for Language Research & Service, Communication and Information Center Studies, Fudan University. Center relies on Guangdong Collaborative Innovation Center for Language Research & Service, and Guangdong University of Foreign Studies, School of Journalism and Communication, integrating multidisciplinary research power, aiming at "city branding" strategy to explore the city image and government image shaping, communication management and effect assessment and other fields innovation and practice. Center is striving to study theory and practice such as the international city innovation and communication, city brand influence evaluation, the international communication effect of city image, combined with "one belt one way" development strategy, especially under the "21st century Maritime Silk Road" background, Guangzhou international city innovative communication opportunities, path, strategy and effect, for enhancing the international influence of urban innovation in Guangzhou to provide theoretical support, practical guidance and intellectual support. Guangzhou Center for Innovative Communication in International Cities appointed well-known experts from home and aboard as “Yunshan Chair Professor”, using the school of Journalism and Communication related areas of academic backbone, the school-level international urban research and innovation team as the core, has established a more than 10 part-time scientific research team, the team accounted for above 70% of senior titles, 80% possess overseas study or visiting aboard experience, 40% of the returnees. The director: Professor/MA superviser Hou Yingzhou The deputy director: Professor/MA superviser Liu Chao