yuyiyang 发表于 2017-11-8 10:08:56


自我介绍还可以提前背一背,可如果抽到一个随机的话题让我们展开叙说的话,就会有一定的难度。这里研途宝就给大家介绍几种展开话题的方法,希望大家能够运用上,使自己的言语表达更加的清晰流畅有逻辑。  一、因果法  因果法是用来解释“为什么”的问题。我们可以根据一个结果去推导其原因,要以事实和证据为根据,前后过程要合乎逻辑和常理。例如:“你为什么考研”?Why do you choose to take the postgraduate exams?There are several reasons why i took the postgraduate exams.Firstly, I have been deeply impressed by the atmosphere here. The second reason is I want to be a social worker. Thirdly, I think further study is still urgent for me.  常用因果联系词: because of, because, since, seeing that, the reason why, on account of, due to, thus, hence, therefore, accordingly, consequently, so that, as a result of, in consequence of, result from, lead to, so... as to, owing to, to have an effect on, for the reason, in this way, thanks to等。  二、定义法  定义法可以用来阐述“是什么”的问题,即用一段话来解释说明某个抽象的概念或具体事物的性质、特征、用途、原理等。例如:What is honesty? 我们可以用如下形式来展开论述:Honesty means telling the truth and being fair and upright in action. It is a good virtue. One who cheats is dishonest. Those who gain fortunes not by hard labor, but by other means are dishonest.  常用关联词汇: what is..., to be defined as, the definition of ... is, to be used to describe, this means, be explained, state that, in other words, namely等。  三、例证法  例证是为了证明主题而存在的。当主题为理论性或概述的论点时,就需要通过举例或例证来加以支持,以说服听者,同时要注意逻辑严密。例如:In many countries, cigarette is restricted in many ways. For example, in Britain, cigarettes are not allowed to be advertised on TV or radio.  例证常用的关联词: for example, for instance, for one thing, for another, to illustrate, one example is, first, second, furthermore, besides, in addition, moreover, finally,a case in point, as an illustration, incidentally, namely等。  总之,考研复试时,拿到题目后应立刻审题,积极思考,找好切人点,把讲话的框架打好腹稿,这样会使你的阐述更具逻辑性。展开的方法就是运用因果法、定义法、例证法等。另外注意把握好音量、语速、语调、停顿,需与考官保持眼神交流,紧紧地抓住对方的注意力。在复试前的关键时期,大家一定要多锻炼与人交流的能力。祝大家考研复试顺利,超常发挥,顺利进入自己心仪的学校!
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查看完整版本: 考研英语口语:怎样组织语言更有逻辑性