yuyiyang 发表于 2017-12-14 13:47:12


本帖最后由 明德尚行教育陳 于 2017-12-27 11:25 编辑

广东外语外贸大学 2018 年研究生入学考试 英语水平考试试题真题【回忆版】 Ⅰ. Cloze (30 points, 1 point for each)WORD LIST


Strength is one of the few ways that men, on average, exceed the abilities of women – but if that changed, itwould in fact be a continuation of the way that male identity and traditional masculinity is already being challengedin the real world. In the past 50 years, women have become more independent and, in many cases, have overtakenmen in earnings, achievements and success. Technology is also muting gender differences, making historicallymale-dominated fields such as manufacturing and the military open to women, who can now rely on intellect andhand-eye coordination rather than upper body strength, for example, to build cars or engage in combat.As a result, some men cling to their gender’s generally greater capacity for physical power as justification that“somehow, men are still more entitled to power,” argues Jackson Katz, an author, lecturer and president of MVPStrategies, a company that offers training and education on gender violence prevention. “As women have startedcompeting with men in areas that men had historically excluded them from, some men have retreated into thisworld where size and physical strength matters even more, because it’s the one area where they continue to holdadvantage over women.”Katz argues that this might help to explain some of the popularity and growth of American football, boxing,MMA and other violent sports. “A man might not be able to understand or articulate this, but the thinking comesdown to, ‘Yes, a woman may make more money than me, my boss might be a woman, my wife might have betterjob than me, but none of them can play football,’” Katz says. He notes, though, that obsession with gladiator-typemasculinity tends to be a predominantly American phenomenon.On the plus side, if women were stronger, they would immediately become less subject to male harassmentand violence, and rape would go down “by orders of magnitude,” says Katz.However, it might be wrong to assume that women’s superior strength would be benign. They are still capableof violence: 17-45% of lesbians report physical abuse at the hands of a female partner, for example, and inheterosexual couples – while women do suffer higher overall rates of victimisation – 19% of men say they havebeen assaulted by a partner at least once. So, while male-on-female domestic abuse would likely decrease,female-on-male cases would probably increase. “Men abuse women because they can – that’s the deal with beingstrong,” Fairbairn says. “I like women a lot, but I don’t think we’re perfect.”How inequalities and gender-based discrimination in the workplace might be affected is less clear. It is truethat masculine traits have long been associated with positions of power – think Margaret Thatcher training herselfto speak with a deeper voice to sound more authoritative, for example, or the rise of the pantsuit among 1970sbusinesswomen as a means of seeking respect and acceptance from male colleagues. Should women no longer haveto use fashion, body language and voice training to masculinise themselves – should they naturally tower over malecolleagues – then gender-based discrimination, Fairbairn believes, would begin to disappear.

Gardiner doesn’t think it would be so straightforward, however. She points out that physical size and strengthare not necessarily factors in sustaining inequalities. “Whites are not larger and stronger, on average, than people ofcolour,” she says. “Yet white supremacy has managed to hang on, without any obvious physical base. Ⅱ. Proofreading and Error Correction (40 points, 2 points for each)

原文:A honeybee queen, when all is right in her world, should live for two to threeyears. But in the United States, beekeepers have seen that life span drop by more thanhalf over the past decade, and researchers are trying to determine why. It’s one ofmany questions surrounding the mystery of honeybee mortality, a disturbingphenomenon that’s linked to a mix of factors, including parasites, pesticides, andhabitat loss.Aside from making a delicious natural sweetener, honeybees—which are notnative to the U.S.—also provide a crucial service to agriculture: pollination. Fromapples to almonds, many crops would suffer without honeybees. And while about 90percent of beekeepers in this country are hobbyists, the majority of hives belong tolarge-scale,        commercial        operations,        says        North        Carolina        State        Universityentomologist David Tarpy.Colony collapse in general could be devastating to food production. So scientistsare looking for alternatives. Most honeybees in the U.S. today are of Italian heritageand vulnerable to a pest called the varroa mite. But Russian bees are more resistant toit, and backyard beekeepers have had success with them. The problem, says Tarpy, isthat Russian honeybees don’t make as much honey as their Italian counterparts and“aren’t as amenable” to the migratory nature of pollinating large-scale farms.Another option, says wildlife biologist Sam Droege of the U.S. GeologicalSurvey, which is to embrace the thousands of North American wild bee species,which are excellent pollinators, rarely sting, and are typically the size of a grain ofrice. The drawback for some people is that none of the wild bee species producehoney. But, says Droege, “we can always get honey from other countries.”文中错误his surround / mortal lose缺 from generallyfromagainst 缺 as 缺 to(这里共两处,记不清了)typical another

Ⅲ. Gap-filling(40 points, 2 points for each)英语水平考试之20个改错题回忆版1. his- her2. vlunerable to-- against3. alternatives of--to4. aside---后+with5.spite-Despite6. as much--后加as7. crop- crops8. another countries-- other9. surround--surrounding10. typical-- 后加of11. which is embrace---embracing12. for which are --去掉for13. Most- Many 还是后面的today- nowadays14 in generally-- 去in 或改为general15. is后面跟表语从句,我在is后+that16. moral--mortality17. is--are18. lose-loss19.20.Ⅳ. Reading Comprehension (40 points, 2 points for each)还没有找到原文,找到再补上Text A讲人是怎么学习的,开头说小孩子玩火自己被烫到就记住了不能玩火;小孩子看到别的小朋友被火烫到,自己就知道不能玩火了;然后提到几个 theory。Text B好像是讲风险投资的,为了保障退休以后的生活,人应该怎么投资,然后介绍分析了几种投资的方法。Text C这篇像肖秀荣的书里翻译过来的 2333,讲的是中国科技、经济飞快进步,提到了中国的四大发明和新四大发明,中国给其他国家提供援助,中国的各种改革给其他国家提供了借鉴和参考,可以启示他们寻找一条适合自己国家实际情况的道路。一共 5 个小题,文章不难理解,但是有两题在我们考研群里争议较大,其一是:大意是中国的发展成果 contributes to ____ effort.A. top-down B. bottom-up C. collective D. individual其二是:中国在那些方面可以给其他国家提供借鉴:争议在 C 和 D。C: technological, economic, financial, institutionalD: technological, economic, financial, cultural(文中没涉及到文化方面的内容)Text D这篇可能没什么难度吧,所以好像什么也记不住了……阅读整体很好理解,生词特别少,但是有几个题感觉挖了坑,比如第三篇,虽然内容感觉很熟悉很亲切,但是题目和文章联系不是特别明显,加上政治正确选项以及自己的主观印象太强,反而没有另外几篇好选。个人总结阅读答题方法:先看选项题目,然后看文章,边看边选,保证速度很快,而且一遍基本上就选出来了,不确定的再回头找答案。每道题的顺序基本上就是在文章中出现的顺序。

2.用个人论坛账号将回忆试题的内容发布到论坛 。


明德尚行教育陳 发表于 2017-12-25 11:20:56

1. his- her
2. vlunerable to-- against
3. alternatives of--to
4. aside---后+with
6. as much--后加as
7. crop- crops
8. another countries-- other
9. surround--surrounding
10. typical-- 后加of
11. which is embrace---embracing
12. for which are --去掉for
13. Most- Many 还是后面的today- nowadays
14 in generally-- 去in 或改为general
15. is后面跟表语从句,我在is后+that
16. moral--mortality
17. is--are
18. lose-loss


明德尚行教育陳 发表于 2017-12-25 11:22:09

1. literacy
2. interminable
3. selection
4. affected
7. sociable
8. illegitimate
9. solved
9. depreciated
10. array
11. addiction
12. awarded
13. stagnated
14. hardly
15. detrimental


明德尚行教育陳 发表于 2017-12-25 11:30:37


明德尚行教育陳 发表于 2017-12-27 10:05:14

先说说gapfilling这题吧,20题40分,有几道还是有点难度的。首先第一个intelligence literature 后面两个是什么了?忘了,题目的意思是说“上海有高的教育水平吧,几乎99%的人都……”反正我选的是intelligence然后变成intellectual(知识分子)不知对不对?我也不太确定,接下来还有depreciatedemour deluge等等,还有个a whole array of……有个legitimate变成反义词,接下来的忘了。接下来是改错,20个题,说不上简单不太好改,总体有generally改成general(in general),his改成her ,another 改成other,还有……又忘了,接下来完型,讲女性的地位越来越重要了,女性的特点,单词有muting、hutersexual、exceed,其他那些感觉不难但一到文章里完全不懂了。四篇阅读,前面第一篇还是可以接受的,有一篇讲中国的经济发展为社会做出的贡献,剩下的忘了。

明德尚行教育陳 发表于 2017-12-27 10:46:45

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