广外考研咨询师 发表于 2018-3-21 11:44:29


1.大众创业:mass entrepreneurship

2.中澳自贸协定:China-Australia Free Trade Agreement

3.一带一路:the Belt and Road Initiative


5.世界反法西斯战争:World Anti-Fascist War

6.新常态:new normal

7.命运共同体:community of common destiny

8.经济发展快车道:fast lane of economic development

9.产能过剩:excess production capacity

10.多边贸易体系:multilateral trading system

11.千年发展目标:Millennium Development Goals

12.生态足迹:ecological footprint

13.董事总经理:managing director

14.商务部部长助理:Assistant Minister of Commerce

15.区域经济一体化:regional economic integration


1.United Nations Economic and Social Council:联合国经济和社会理事会


3.the ASEAN Community:东盟共同体

4.mutual but distinctive responsibility:共同但有区别的责任

5.corrupt fugitive repatriation:遣返腐败逃犯

6.crowdfunding platform:众筹平台

7.global governance:全球治理

8.shale gas:页岩气

9.postdoctoral fellow:博士后研究员

10.social inclusiveness:社会包容性

11.multimodal transportation:多式联运

12.credit crunch:信贷紧缩;信贷危机

13.White House Chief of Staff:白宫办公厅主任;白宫幕僚长

14.The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine:诺贝尔生理学或医学奖

15.Commonwealth of Nations:英联邦
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