sunshine 发表于 2017-4-27 23:07:07


翻译硕士英语①词组翻译民族凝聚力十八届四中全会暂住证廉租房剩余劳动力洲际弹道导弹货物吞吐量申请注册域名农田水利化一站式服务博士后研究员费改税综合国力Royalty ratelncome tax refundExport tax retum: CoIlegiate tribunallnflation-proof banking savings deluxe suitecivic responsibilityFinancial timesPublic service interpreting篇章翻译

英译汉第一句是:Though reinvention isn't always necessary, human and nature are generally resisted, doubtful, disGomforted and suspicious_ Agents of change must have our trust, especially when they're going to disturb the world…

汉译英亚洲与世界其他地区共克时艰,合作应对国际金融危机,成为拉动世界经挤复苏和增长的重要引擎,近年来对世界经济增长的贡献率.己超过5 o%,给世界带来了信心 。 亚洲同世界其他地区的区域次区域合作展现出勃勃生机和美好前景 。 亚洲稳定需要共同呵护、 破解难题 。 亚洲稳定面临着新的挑战, 热点问题此起彼伏, 传统安全威胁和非传统安全威胁都有所表现, 实现本地区长治久安需要地区国家增强互信、 携手努力 。亚洲合作需要百尺竿头、 更进一步 。 加强亚洲地区合作的机制和倡议很多, 各方面想法和主张丰富多样, 协调各方面利益诉求、 形成能够保障互利共赢的机制需要更好增进理解、凝聚共识、充实内容、深化合作。“一花独放不是春,百花齐放春满园。 世界各国联系紧密、利益交融,要互通有无、 优勢互补, 在追求本国利益时兼顾他国合理关切, 在谋求自身发展中促进各国共同发展, 不断扩大共同利益汇合点 。 要加强南南合作和南北对话, 推动发展中国家和发达国家平衡发展, 夯实世界经济长期稳定发展基础 。 要积极创造更多合作机遇,提高合作水平,让发展成果更好惠及各国人民.,为促进世界经济增长多作贡献。亲仁善邻, 是中国自古以来的传统。亚洲和世界和平发展、合作共赢的事业没有终点, 只有一个接一个的新起点 。

admingw 发表于 2017-4-27 23:44:36

1.民族凝聚力 nationaI cohesion/ nationa1 cohesive power2.十八届四中全会 the Fourth Plenary Session ofthe18th CentraI Committee of the Communist Party of China/Forth Plenary Session of the18th CPC Central Committee3.一站式办公 one-stopser、,ices4.暂住证Tempora~Residential/ResidencePermit             5.零和博弈 zero-sumgame6.廉租房 low-renthousing/house                           7.综合国力 comprehensive national strength/overaIl national strength8.费改税 tax-for-fee9.货物吞吐量 cargothroughput             .

10.剩余劳动力 surpluslabour11.洲际导弹 intercontinental missile12.农田水利化 bring farmland under irrigation13.申请域名 domain name application14.博士后研究员 postdoctoral researcher15.镇馆之宝 key highlights of the coIlections/collection highlight 英译汉16.royalty rate提成率17.merger and acquisition企业并购18.income tax retum所得税申报表19. collegial tribunal合议庭(合议庭: collegial panelfcolIegial tribunal) 20_ export tax return出口退税21_ mission statement企业使命22_ light Iiterature通俗文学23. consulate-general总领事馆24. Gonsumer credit消费信贷25. deluxe suit豪华套房26. inflation-proof bank saving保值储蓄27. reliefsupply救灾物资28. civilresponsibility 民事责任29. FinanceTime«金融时报»30. public service interpreting公共服务口泽 中翻英:亚洲与世界其他地区共克时艰, 合作应对国际金融危机, 成为拉动世界经济复苏和增长的重要引擎, 近年来对世界经济增长的贡献率己超过50%,给世界带来了信心 。亚洲同世界其他地区的区域次区域合作展现出勃勃生机和美好前景 。亚洲稳定需要共同呵护、 破解难题 。 亚洲稳定面临着新的挑战, 热点问题此起彼伏, 传统安全威胁和非传统安全威胁都有所表现, 实现本地区长治久安需要地区国家增强互信、 携手努力 。亚洲合作需要百尺竿头、 更进一步 。 加强亚洲地区合作的机制和倡议很多, 各方面想法和主张丰富多样,协调各方面利益诉求、形成能够保障互利共赢的机制需要更好增进理解、凝聚共识、充实内容、深化合作。“一花独放不是春,百花齐放春满园。 世界各国联系紧密、利益交融,要互通有无、 优勢互补, 在追求本国利益时兼顾他国合理关切, 在谋求自身发展中促进各国共同发展, 不断扩大共同利益汇合点 。 要加强南南合作和南北对话, 推动发展中国家和发达国家平衡发展, 夯实世界经济长期稳定发展基础 。 要积极创造更多合作机遇, 提高合作水平, 让发展成果更好惠及各国人民, 为促进世界经济增长多作贡献。亲仁善邻, 是中国自古以来的传统。 亚洲和世界和平发展、 合作共赢的事业没有终点, 只有一个接一个的新起点 。


candy-tcc 发表于 2017-4-27 23:53:58

Working side by side with the rest of the worId in time of difficulty to tackle
the international financiaI Grisis, Asia has emerged as an important engine driving world economic recovery and growth..lnrecent years, Asia has Gontributed to over50% of global growth, instilIing much needed confidence in the world. What is more, Asia's cooperation with otherregions of the world at regional and sub-regionaIlevels has greatvitaIity and promising prospects.
We need to make concerted e⊠orts to resolve major d面culties to ensure stability in Asia. StabiIity inAsia now faGes new challenges, as hotspot issues keep emerging, and both traditional and non-trad面onal security threats exist. TheAsian countries need to increase mutual trust and work together to ensure durable peace and stability in ourregion.
We need to buiId on past success and make new progress in promoting
cooperation in Asia. There are many mechanisms and initiatives for enhancing cooperation inAsia, and alot of ideas on boosting such cooperation are being exp1ored by various parties. What we need to do is t0.enhance mutual understanding, buiId consensus, and enrich and deepen cooperation so as to strike a baIance among the interests of various parties.and build mechanisms thatbring benelits to all.                   As we often say in China, a singIe ⊠ower d.oes not make spring, while one hundred flowers in fu1l blossom bring springl-to.the garden. Allcountries in the worId are cIoselylinked and share convergirig interests.They shouId both pool and share their strengths. While pursuingits own interests, a count~ should accommodate thelegitimate concems of others.ln pursuing their own development, countries should promote the common development of a1l and expand common interests them. We should enhance South-South cooperation and Nolrth-South.dialogue, promote balanced development of the deveIoping and deve!oped countries and consolidate the foundation for sustaining stable growtti,of the globaI economy. We need to work vigorously to create more coopef;ation opportunities, upgrade cooperation, and deliver more developmentdividends to our people and contribute more to gIobal growth.
Promoting good neighborliness is a time-honored tradition of China. To enhance peacefuI development and win-win cooperation in Asia and the world is a race that has one starting pointafter another and knows no finishing line.

sunshine 发表于 2017-4-28 01:11:06

第一道,单选, 30个。往年都会是前15个来自某本英文原著,后15个偏时事的语法啦,词组啦,搭配啦,今年来自原著的只有四五个,其他的都是 VOA、BBc里面的句子,挖出来空让填,主要还是考语法词汇,专四难度以下,单词神马的还是要背起的。
第三道,作文写的是关于教育改革的,题目比较大, 400字,还是相对容易把握主题, 不过文采之类的还需要平时锻炼。
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查看完整版本: 2015年广外翻译硕士MTI(211)翻译硕士英语考研真题回忆版