yuyiyang 发表于 2017-8-9 10:12:38


1、The plain truth is that people are most often self-centered.


2、There's little wonder why young people often find it difficultto find an appropriate role model. No wonder they drink, smoke, fright, carouse and otherwiseengage in inappropriate social behavior.


3、It should come as no surprise to learn that many abused children become abusers later in life.


4、There is probably a great deal of truth in the assertion that unecrupulous brokers aresalivating at the thought of unsophisticated investors entering the securities market.


5、There's little doubt that China has spawned a new generation of Little Emperors, but the truthis that the fault rests with parents who spare the rod to spoil the child and not with childrenthemselves.


6、China needs to reexamine the results of political and social modernization in order to ascertainthe benefits and indeed the detrimental aspects from a new perspective. Otherwise, variousperceived accomplishments might in fact prove to be far from beneficial.


7、It is essential to heed warnings of potentially catastrophic consequences associated with theYear 2000 computer bug and, in turn, to attach top priority to finding effective solutions to ensurea smooth transition into the new century.

我们必须注意有关计算机千年虫可能带来的灾难性结果的警告,并且相应地优先考虑寻找有效的解决办法以确保顺利过渡到新世纪。8、It is high time we put an end to the deplorable practice of infanticide.


9、There is little doubt that immediate action is required to eliminate the scourge of corruptiononce and forever.


10、In short, we must work diligently to make the world a better place for coming generations.We must not persist in pursuits harmful to the environment.


11、We must avoid over indulgence and conspicuous consumption.We must instead continueto recognize the benefits of thrift in order to protect our new found prosperity.


12、It is absolutely essential to reverse the irrational misuse of nonrenewable resources. Forexample, fuel-efficient motor vehicles must be developed to reduce oil consumption and alternativeenergy sources must be found to replace coal.


13、While achieving success is easier said than done, persistence does in fact pay off. One of themost important traits of a successful person is self-confidence, another is desire, and still another isdetermination.


14、Recognizing a problem is the first step in finding a solution.


15、Many of the explanations offered thus far are at least to a certain extent valid, but none fullyaddress the problem and the issue must be examined in a wider context.


16.Claiming something is true misses the point, while presentingverifiable fact proves its correctness.


17.Suggesting that one thing …… is better than another thing …… bears no more significance thaninsinuating that black is better than white.


18.Ignoring cause and effect is exactly the same thing as failing to look both ways when crossing abusy intersection.


19.One who advocates the rights of homosexuals should not be surprised by the belligerentstance of opposition forces.

20.The greatest problem with political and religious zealots is their total inability to consider theviews of others.


21.The basic stumbling block to global peace rests with the self-serving ambitions of many nations.


22.The overemphasis on one particular aspect of a problem often obscures the relevance of otherissues.


23.Any presumption that smoking is in anyway beneficial is totally preposterous.


24.The fallacies of many arguments are quite obvious.


25.Arbitrarily dismissing the direct link between increasing sexual promiscuity and the rapidspread of sexually transmitted diseases would be foolhardy. An even more foolish mistake wouldcenter on denying the need for extensive sex education programs worldwide.

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