
标题: 2018广外MTI笔译复试真题详细回忆 [打印本页]

作者: sunshine    时间: 2019-3-7 10:22
标题: 2018广外MTI笔译复试真题详细回忆



(篇幅太长了,都只贴出了第一段,然后注明了文章来源,大家动动手指吧哈哈~三四篇是问答题(5个),所以有注明考查的句子,问题主要是paraphrase/explain the sentence或者what does……imply/mean?一二篇是10个选择题~)

第一篇:IF SEVERAL hundred million Indians do migrate from the countryside to cities between now and 2050, as the UN expects, it will be a fiendishly busy few decades for Vivek Aher, who runs a low-cost hostel, one of five, on the outskirts of Pune, a well-off city three hours’ drive from Mumbai. A fair few of the new arrivals will have their first experience of urban living bunking in one of the hostels’ 1,350 beds. Should recent experience be anything to go by, most of the new arrivals will test Mr Aher’s patience by tacking posters on his hostel’s walls, or endlessly complaining about the Wi-Fi.……
(选自the economist, Feb 23rd 2017,Business版块)

第二篇:THE fear that business travellers on transatlantic flights might have to stop working on spreadsheets and read a good book instead had been palpable. In recent weeks, agents at America’s Department of Homeland Security had been hinting to the media that a ban on large electronic devices in the cabins of flights between Europe and America was likely. After a meeting on May 17th in Brussels, between American and EU officials, however, reports suggest that threat has been averted. Airlines will be rejoicing if so.……
(选自the economist, May 18th 2017,Business版块 )

第三篇:“A SEA of sameness.” A veteran of the Mobile World Congress (MWC), Ben Wood of CCS Insight, a consultancy, was not expecting much from the mobile industry’s main trade show this week in Barcelona. As one product launch followed another, it was easy to lose track. Whether it was LG, Huawei or Wiko, they all showed off yet more black rectangles with slightly varying specifications.……
(选自the economist, Mar 2nd 2017,Business版块)
1.“showed off yet more black rectangles with slightly varying specifications.”
2.“Mobile innovation is not doomed to be hidden in the network.”

第四篇: IN MAY 2013 Gloria James borrowed $200 from Loan Till Payday, a lender near her home in Wilmington, Delaware. Rather than take out a one- or two-month loan for a $100 fee, as she had done several times before, she was offered a one-year loan that would set her back $1,620 in interest, equivalent to an annual rate of 838%. Ms James, a housekeeper making $12 an hour, agreed to the high-interest loan but quickly fell behind on her payments. After filing a lawsuit in federal court, a Delaware judge ruled that the loan in question was not only illegal but “unconscionable”.……
(选自the economist, Apr 8th 2017,Finance and economics版块)
3. “she was offered a one-year loan that would set her back $1,620 in interest”
4. “installment loans, which give borrowers more
time to get backon their feet.”
5. “consumers may not be better off. ”

题目大意:some say that machine translation will replace pure human work, while some other say that will never happen……他们认为就算机器翻译能够用于科技文本,但文学翻译仍然需要人翻译……your opinion?



1.Food and Agricultural Organization
2.Greater Mekong Subregion
3.Gulf Cooperation Council
4.Special Drawing Right
5.stem cell research
6.Latin America and the Caribbean
7.economic deleveraging
8.digital divide
9.demographic dividend
10.Internet of Things
11.nature reserve
12.ecological footprint
13.nuclear non-proliferation
14.World Economic Forum
15.quantitative easing

    No one can understand history without continually relating the long periods to the experiences of our own short lives. Five years is a lot. Twenty years is the horizon to most people. Fifty years is antiquity. To understand how the impact of destiny fell upon any generation of men one must first imagine their position and then apply the time-scale of our own lives. Thus nearly all changes were far less perceptible to those who lived through them from day to day than appears when the salient features of an epoch are extracted by the chronicler. We peer at these scenes through dim telescopes of research across a gulf of nearly two thousand years. We cannot doubt that the second and to some extent the third century of the Christian era, in contrast with all that had gone before and most that was to follow, were a Golden Age for Britain. But by the early part of the fourth century shadows had fallen upon this imperfect yet none the less tolerable society. By steady, persistent steps the sense of security departed from Roman Britain. Its citizens felt by daily experience a sense that the world-wide system of which they formed a partner province was in decline.……
(后面还跟着一段跟这差不多长,可我实在找不到了。原文好像是Churchill的The Birth of Britain~)



1. 我国经济正处在转变发展方式、优化经济结构、转换增长动力的攻关期,建设现代化经济体系是跨越关口的迫切要求和我国发展的战略目标。必须坚持质量第一、效益优先,以【供给侧结构性改革】为主线,推动经济发展质量变革、效率变革、动力变革,提高【全要素生产率】,着力加快建设【实体经济】、科技创新、现代金融、人力资源协同发展的产业体系,着力构建市场机制有效、【微观主体】有活力、【宏观调控】有度的经济体制,不断增强我国经济创新力和竞争力。(十九大报告)




(给出的材料是中国经济网的一篇报道,题为“首届中国北京国际语言文化博览会开幕 AI助教育行业发展”。原文太长啦,大家自己找一下吧~贴一小段)

【材料】  9月11日至9月13日,作为第12届中国北京国际文化创意产业博览会的重要组成部分,由国家语委支持的“首届中国北京国际语言文化博览会”(以下简称“语博会”)首次单独设立展厅,供相关企业事业单位参展交流,填补了世界华语区语言文化主题博览会的空白。据经济日报-中国经济网记者了解,“语博会”由北京市语委、北京市贸促会等单位承办,北京语言文字工作协会具体运营。……





【undoubtedly, represent, livelihood, filled, variation, less, intensive, experience, include, exclude, household, level, manufacturing, avail, compete, need, hazard, sector, adjustment, exclusive, security, participate, access, increase, decline, care, prescribe, economic, rank, compel】

More and more women are now joining the paid labor force world-wide. They represent the majority of the workforce in all the _______ which are expanding as a result of globalization and trade liberalization—the informal sector, ________ subcontracting; export processing or free trade zones; homeworking; and the “flexible”, part-time, temporary, low-paid labor force. Even in countries which have low _______of women paid workers, such as the Arab countries, employment is rising.
In South-East Asia, women ________ up to 80 per cent of the workforce in the export processing zones, working mainly in the labor- _______ textile, toy, shoe and electronic sectors. In Latin American and the Caribbean, 70 per cent of _______ active women are employed in services. Many women in South-East Asia are moving from ________ into services.
Long _____ from many paid jobs and thus economically dependent on husbands or fathers, paid employment has ______ brought economic and social gains to many women. For many previously______ young women, the opportunity to gain financial independence, albeit limited and possibly temporary, has helped break down some of the taboos of their societies and______ on women’s behavior.
Any gains, however, should be seen in a wider context. _______ economic and social conditions throughout the world, in particular declining household incomes, have _______ many women to take any kind of paid work to meet their basic _______ and those of their families. The jobs _______ to them are, in the main, insecure and low-paid with irregular hours, high levels of intensity, little protection from health and safety _______ and few opportunities for promotion.
Women’s high ________ in informal employment is partly due to the fact that many jobs in the formal economy are not open to them: they are actively excluded from certain kinds of work or lack _______ to education and training or have domestic commitments. The _______ of women’s participation in the informal sector has been most marked in the countries of Sub-Saharan Africa where sharp economic decline and structural _______ policies have reduced the official job market drastically. As domestic markets are opened up to international ________ and quotas which restricted the quantity of imports from any one country are abandoned, cheap, subsidized foreign imports are threatening the _______ of many women small producers and entrepreneurs in “cottage industries”. In countries such as India and Bangladesh, for instance, more than 90 per cent of economically-active women work in the informal sector at jobs such hand loom weaving.
In general, women are paid ________ than men are, and women’s jobs pay less than men’s jobs. On average, most women earn 50 to 80 per cent of men’s pay, but there are considerable ______. In Tanzania, which _______ first in the world for pay equality, women earn 92 per cent of what men earn; in Bangladesh, they earn 42 per cent. Women also have less job _________ and fewer opportunities for promotion. Higher status jobs, even in industries which employ mostly women, tend to be ______ by men.
In addition, women usually have to continue their unpaid domestic and ________ work, such as of children, the sick and the elderly, which is often regarded as women’s “natural” and ________ responsibility. Even when they have full-time jobs outside the home, women take care of most _______ tasks, particularly the preparation of meals, cleaning and child care.

      Modernization and economic development neither require nor produce cultural westernization. To the contrary, they promote a resurgence of, and renewed commitment to, indigenous cultures. At the individual level, the movement of people into unfamiliar cities, social settings, and occupations breaks their traditional local bonds, generates feelings of alienation and anomie, and creates crises of identity to which religion frequently provides an answer. At the societal level, modernization enhances the economic wealth and military power of the country as a whole and encourages people to have confidence in their heritage and to become culturally assertive. As a result, many non-Western societies have seen a return to indigenous cultures. It often takes a religious form, and the global revival of religion is a direct consequence of modernization. In non-Western societies this revival almost necessarily assumes an anti-Western cast, in some cases rejecting Western culture because it is Christian and subversive, in others because it is secular and degenerate. The return to the indigenous is most marked in Muslim and Asian societies. The Islamic Resurgence has manifested itself in every Muslim country.
      East Asian societies have gone through a parallel rediscovery of indigenous values.For several centuries they, along with other non-Western peoples, envied the economic prosperity, technological sophistication, military power, and political cohesion of Western societies. They sought the secret of this success in Western practices and customs, and when they identified what they thought might be the key they attempted to apply it in their own societies. Now, however, a fundamental change has occurred. Today East Asians attribute their dramatic economic development not to their import of Western culture but to their adherence to their own culture. They have succeeded, they argue, not because they became like the West, but because they have remained different from the West. Now that they are no longer weak but instead increasingly powerful, they denounce as \"human rights imperialism\" the same values they previously invoked to promote their interests. As Western power recedes, so too does the appeal of Western values and culture, and the West faces the need to accommodate itself to its declining ability to impose its values on non-Western societies. In fundamental ways, much of the world is becoming more modern and less Western.


       有一次,在拥挤的车厢门口,我听见一位男乘客客客气气地问他前面的一个 女乘客:“您下车吗?”女乘客没理他。“你下车吗?”他又问了一遍。女乘客还是 没有理他。“下车吗?”他耐不住了,放大了声问,那女乘客依然没有反应。“你 是聋子,还是哑巴?”他急了,捅了一下那女乘客,也引得车厢里的人都往这里 看。女乘客这时也急了,瞪起一双眼睛回手给了男乘客一拳。
        见此情景,我猛然想起在60路沿线上有家福利工厂,女乘客可能就是个聋 哑人,听不见声音。我赶忙向男乘客做了解释,又用纸条写了一句话,举到女乘 客的眼前:“对不起!他要下车,他问了您好几声,您是不是没听见?”女乘客点 了点头,把道让开了。
       从此以后,我就特别注意聋哑人的特征,还从他们那里学会了一些常用的手 语。比如,我可以用哑语问他们:“朋友,您好!”、“您到哪里下车?”、“您请 往里走!”、“谢谢”等等。这样,不仅我能更好地为他们服务,与他们进行感情 交流,也减少了一些他们与其他乘客的误会和纠纷。


复述:speech repository上的一段视频\"advantages and disadvantages on hitchhiking\",现在点进网站主页就能看到,在latest videos一栏。

Conflicts have deepened and new dangers have emerged. Global anxieties about nuclear weapons are the highest since the Cold War. Climate change is moving faster than we are. Inequalities are growing. And we see horrific violations of human rights. Nationalism and xenophobia are on the rise. And as we begin 2018, I call for unity. I truly believe we can make our world more safe and secure. We can settle conflicts, overcome hatred and defend shared values. But we can only do that together. I urge leaders everywhere to make this New Year\'s resolution: Narrow the gaps. Bridge the divides. Rebuild trust by bringing people together around common goals. Unity is the path. Our future depends on it.(联合国秘书长古特雷斯2018新年致辞)



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