1. Why do you choose GW?
2. Why do you choose MA?
3. Which one is your preference:translation or interpreting? And why?
4. Do you have any fieldexperience in interpreting? / Have you had any experience in interpretation?
5. Have you read any books abouttranslation or interpreting? / Tell us about the book you read abouttranslation theory.
6. Have you encountered anyproblems in interpreting?
7. What's your major?
8. 说一下口译和翻译的区别.
9. 你比较喜欢的翻译理论有哪些.
10. 为什么选择高翻?
11. Tell me about any translationtheory you know, either from the West or China, and please comment on it.
12. How can these two translationstrategies guide your translation practices?
13. What are XX's comments on XX theory?
14. 如果被录了,你会对这三年做什么样的规划。
15. 为什么选择高翻,如果说服他我的性格适合这个专业。
16. 你的梦想是什么?
17. What is translation?
18. What do you considertranslation to be, an art, a science or just a craft? Please elaborate on yourstand.
19. How many translation mastersare you familiar with? Choose one and explain his theories.
20. Which university are you from?/ Introduce your university./ 介绍一下本科的城市。
21. Introduce your hometown.
22. What courses do you haveregarding translation?
23. Do you know me? Have you readmy books? (这个问题……恩……那不是一般的尴尬 )
24. 要是有机会,你愿意学习那种口译,商务口译,法律口译还是……?
25. 你觉得口译译员需要具备什么样的素质?
26. 口译过程中最大的障碍是什么?知识面不够宽?紧张还是……?
27. 理想中口译译员的生活是什么样子的?
28. 有过哪些翻译实践,有什么帮助?
29. 有笔译经验吗?描述一下。
30. “动态对等”中“动态”指的是什么?
31. 说说Peter Newmark的理论。
32. 严复和许渊冲的翻译理论是?
33. 神似和化境各自是指什么?
34. 喜欢哪些笔译家?说一下该笔译家的几部书?为什么喜欢他?
35. 这个是最复杂的:大致了解一些著名翻译家及其思想。比如Gentzler, Tytler的三原则, Bassnet, 施莱尔马赫,Steiner, Dryden, 雅克布森……我把《翻译学概论》关于西方翻译思想的那章看了两遍,简要列了42个翻译家及其思想。