2012广外高翻保研推免真题 笔试 题型和样题是一样的。 第一题 完形 30% 非常简单,很容易得满分。词基本上直接填进去就可以了,只有极少要变形的。会有两个多余的词。Tips: 填之前把给出的list里面的词的词性标出来。 第二题 英译中 40% 一共两段。每段占20%的分值。 第一段选自罗素的how to grow old An individual human existence should be like a river – small at first, narrowly contained within its banks, and rushing passionately past rocks and over waterfalls. Gradually the river grows wider, the banks recede, the waters flow more quietly, and in the end, without any visible break, they become merged in the sea, and painlessly lose their individual being. The man who, in old age, can see his life in this way, will not suffer from the fear of death, since the things he cares for will continue. And if, with the decay of vitality, weariness increases, the thought of rest will not be unwelcome. I should wish to die while still at work, knowing that others will carry on what I can no longer do and content in the thought that what was possible has been done. 参考译文 人生好比一条河,开头河身狭窄,夹在两岸之间,接着河水奔腾咆哮,流过巨石,飞下悬崖。后来河面涿渐展宽,两岸离的越来越远,河水也变得较为平缓,最后流进大海,与海水浑然一体,看不出任何界线,从而结素其单独存在的那一段历程,但毫无痛苦之感。如果一个人到了老年能够这样看待自己的一生,他就不会怕死了,因为他所关心的一切将会继续下去。如果随着精力的衰退,日渐倦怠,就会觉得长眠未尝不是一件好事。我就希望在工作时死去,知道自己不能再做的事有人会继续做下去,并且怀着满意的心情想到,自己能做的事都已做到了。(庄绎传译) 第二段是讲纳斯达克的 Since its inception in l97l, the NASDAQ Stock Market has been the innovator. As the world's first electronic stock market, NASDAQ long ago set a precedent for technological trading innovation that is unrivaled. Now poised to become the world's first truly global market, the NASDAQ Stock Market is the market of choice for business industry leaders worldwide. By providing an efficient environment for raising capital NASDAQ has helped thousands of companies achieve their desired growth and successfully make the leap into public ownership. 参考译文 自1971年诞生之日起,纳斯达克(NASDAQ)股票市场就成了产业的革新者。作为世界上第一家电子股票交易市场,纳斯达克(NASDAQ)早就史无前例地进行了技术交易的创新。现在纳斯达克(NASDAQ)已稳稳地成为世界第一家真正意义上的全球股票交易市场,是全球产业界领袖的首选市场。通过提供一个有效的融资环境,纳斯达克(NASDAQ)已经帮助了成百上千家公司完成了其市值的预期增长,同时也成功地、跨越式地实现了公司股权的公众所有。 第三题 中译英 是说日本大地震之后志愿者团体的发展的。这一篇在网上搜了一下没有搜到原文。 面试 MA和MTI,笔译和口译都是一起考的。所有人分成7组,先是一起在424候考,然后每一组的第一个被叫去420备考。依此类推。在那里老师会发有视译的文章的纸,同时上面还有对交传的主题和发言人的提示。可以在纸上做记号,但是这张纸不能带进考室。3分钟之后就要把视译的纸交上去,然后去自己的考室。等到前面的人出来就可以进去了。有两个面试官,一开始进去就做视译,然后老师会放一分钟英译中交传的音频。然后就是回答问题,我这次就被问了一个问题,就是看了什么翻译理论的书。这个问题几乎是必问的,所以大家要事先做好准备。 Tips: 题目不难,心态很重要。 |
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