
标题: 2016年广外翻译硕士MTI(357)英语翻译基础考研初试真题回忆版 [打印本页]

作者: sunshine    时间: 2017-4-27 23:26
标题: 2016年广外翻译硕士MTI(357)英语翻译基础考研初试真题回忆版

1 大众创业
2 中澳自贸协定
3 一带一路
4 城镇化
5 世界反法西斯战争
6 新常态
7 命运共同体
8 经济发展快车道
9 产能过剩
10 多边贸易体系
11 千年发展目标
12 生态足迹
13 董事总经理
14 商务部部长助理
15 区域经济一体化
1 United Nations Economic and Social Council
2 pro vice chancellor
3 the ASEAN Community
4 mutural but distinctive responsibility
5 corrupt fugitive repatriation
6 crowdfunding platform
7 global governance
8 shale gas
9 postdoctoral fellow
10 social inclusiveness
11 multimodal transportation
12 credit crunch
13 White House Chief of Staff
14 The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine
15 Commonwealth of Nations

二、篇章翻译 2*60
【英译汉】讲的是有关现金流的现象,有一些词注意一下cash outflow/inflow, negative(负)positive(正),和金融有关系,然后又说你自己本身就是一个project,教育就是你的投资等等。文章不长,一共三段,最后一段没找到,前两段内容如下:
A firm can be seen as nothing more than a collection of projects. A firm must allocate cash to projects within its budgets. Therefore, the process of deciding which projects to undertake and which projects to pass up is called capital budgeting. Capital budgeting is at the heart of corporate decision-making.

As far as finance is concerned, every project is a set of cash flows. Most projects require an upfront cash outflow(an investment or expense or cost) and are followed by a series of later cash inflows ( payoffs or revenues or returns). It does not matter whether the cash flows come from garbage hauling or diamond sales. Cash is cash. However, it is important that all costs and benefits are included as cash values. If you would have to spend more time or have more distaste to haul trash, you would have to translate this into an equivalent cash negative. Similarly, if you want to do a project "for the fun of it", you must translate this into a cash positive. The discipline of finance takes over after all positives and negatives (inflows and outflows) from the project "black box" have been translated into their monetary cash value.

富力拥有土地储备总建筑面积约 4,294万平方米,涉及超过50个地产项目,全年在建建筑面积超过1,424万平方米,企业总资产高达1718亿。

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