@惠斯斯儿 357英语翻译基础中译英:1.十三五2.全媒体3.贸易摩擦4.实体经济5.供给侧结构性改革6.系统性风险7.扫黑除恶8.退役军人9.下岗工人 英译中有区块链 |
@Erik Chiu 翻译基础 今年的词条翻译比较常规,政经类的偏多,由于没有抄到准考证,所以只记得几个: 乡村振兴 下岗工人 Heel of Achilles High sea Head hunter 篇章翻译: 第一篇英译汉是讲非西方国家经过振兴自己的文化,从而摆脱了西方国家的影子,变得越来越强盛。文章总体难度不大,但有个别生单词,但是通过前后文可以推敲出来生词的意思。 第二篇是汉译英小说对话,都是地道的东北话,难度不高,只要明白原文的意思,按照原文的语序来翻译即可。 |
@魁大人赏饭吃 英语翻译基础 词条部分很多出自历年真题,和时事,今年没有法律有关的词条。 Fresh water 英译汉 关于非西方国家对西方文化的看法变化 汉译英 通过对话方式回忆老同学最新的事情发展 |
@Aru 翻译硕士翻译基础357 试题回顾 词条 (顺序被打乱了,按照记忆罗列,我可能没有记忆,TAT) 稳预期 扫黑除恶 步行街 Archimede’s heel Transportation and logistics hub High sea 篇章翻译 英译汉选自广外2009年英语写作与翻译原题 搜到的内容不全 篇章部分内容如下 Modernization and economic development neither require nor produce cultural westernization. To the contrary, they promote resurgence of, and renewed commitment to, indigenous cultures. At the individual level,the movement of people into unfamiliar cities, social settings, and occupations breaks their traditional bonds, generates feelings of alienation, and creates crises of identity to which religion frequently provides an answer. At the societal level, modernization enhances the economic wealth and military power of the country as a whole and encourages people to have confidence in their heritage and to become culturally assertive. As a result, many non-western societies have seen a return to indigenous cultures. It often takes a religious form, and the global revival of religion is a direct consequence of modernization. In non-western societies this revival almost necessarily assumes an anti-western cast, in some cases rejecting western culture because it is Christian and subversive, in others because it is secular and degenerate. The return to the indigenous is most marked in Muslim and Asian societies. 汉译英 选自欧阳立峰老师翻译的徐坤的小说《年轻的朋友来相会》 老同学们互相盘问这,询问那,二十年过去,彼此传递的,却已经都是生死讯息了啊。 ——老家的那个老毕,还记得不?哪个哪个?就是那个,平时蔫不唧不爱说话,拉得一手好胡琴那个。已经去世了。是吗?真的吗?可不是嘛。大前年,胃癌。年龄不到五十。家里还有两个孩子,爱人还下岗。怪可怜的。 ——小胡,还记得不?在学校时老是小胡小胡地叫,其实早就是出版社的副总了。前年,也出车祸死了。去青海开会,遇到塌方。怎么那么寸,一行三辆车,石头就砸他的车上,车里边还就他一个人死。司机和副驾驶座上的人都没事。你说这是不是命啊?命里注定。 ——还有一个孙立惠也没来?跟老公出国去了澳大利亚。咱班出国的人还真不算很多。唉,学中文的,出啥出哇,出去了又能干点啥?也不就那么回事嘛。出去了,混得不好,还不一定比呆在国内强。就说孙立惠吧,那年回来省亲,请老同志见面,嗳,你在不在?没来哈?你可不知道,把人请到家里去,桌子上就摆了几块小点心,几瓶小饮料,连顿饭也没舍得请,太寒碜人了!咱也知道人家是学得洋气了,可是人一回来,到了东北家乡这块地界上,最起码也要符合国情吧? ——是啊,得罪谁也别得罪老同学。得罪了老同学,等于绝了自己归乡的道儿。 |
@Kelly 翻译基础 汉译英 “十三五” 全媒体 退役军人 下岗工人 稳预期 扫黑除恶 供给侧结构性改革 乱收费 革命老区 系统性改革 贸易摩擦 英译汉 high sea, idle loan, preferential price, quantum mechanics, 英译汉是主要讲文化冲突,汉译英是一篇开头是“老同学们互相盘问这,询问那,二十年过去,彼此传递的,却已经都是生死讯息了啊。 ”的文学类篇章。 |
@Shanshan0w0 翻译基础: 英译汉: 1. high sea 2. head hunter 3. idle loan 4. Lost and Found Office 5. The heel of Achilles 6. unalienable rights 7. the law of jungle 8. quantum mechanics 9. fresh water 汉译英: 1. 供给侧改革 2. 下岗工人 3. “十三五” 4. 区块链 5. 扫黑除恶 6. 稳预期 7. 实体经济 8. 乱收费 篇章英译汉 主要是讲许多非西方国家在靠着学习西方的文化和制度崛起后,逐渐开始在文化上去西方化,转而将目光投向本地文化。文章批驳了企图用单一的西式文化去消灭全球文明多样性的做法。 篇章汉译英 是一篇带东北味的小说,特别口语化,材料来源于徐坤的一本小说。 |
@Lara 357翻译硕士英语 part1 词条的话,有几个是政府工作报告的,例如 , 革命老区 稳预期 乱收费 high sea unalienation rights the justice of department block chain 我只记得这几个~(捂脸) part2 翻译的话来源是: 广外徐坤老师的《年轻的朋友来相会》 难度比以往要大,估计广外是越来越文学类了 |
@IMPERTURBABLE 英语翻译基础 词条 只记住了几个我没写出来的,会的一个也没记住gross margin, high sea, 革命老区, 英译汉原文 这是原文链接(要翻墙)英译汉讲的是西方文化价值观念在非西方国家的影响力逐渐式微 https://www.foreignaffairs.com/a ... nique-not-universal In recent years Westerners have reassured themselves and irritated others by expounding the notion that the culture of the West is and ought to be the culture of the world. This conceit takes two forms. One is the Coca-colonization thesis. Its proponents claim that Western, and more specifically American, popular culture is enveloping the world: American food, clothing, pop music, movies, and consumer goods are more and more enthusiastically embraced by people on every continent. The other has to do with modernization. It claims not only that the West has led the world to modern society, but that as people in other civilizations modernize they also westernize, abandoning their traditional values, institutions, and customs and adopting those that prevail in the West. Both theses project the image of an emerging homogeneous, universally Western world -- and both are to varying degrees misguided, arrogant, false, and dangerous. Advocates of the Coca-colonization thesis identify culture with the consumption of material goods. The heart of a culture, however, involves language, religion, values, traditions, and customs. Drinking Coca-Cola does not make Russians think like Americans any more than eating sushi makes Americans think like Japanese. Throughout human history, fads and material goods have spread from one society to another without significantly altering the basic culture of the recipient society. Enthusiasms for various items of Chinese, Hindu, and other cultures have periodically swept the Western world, with no discernible lasting spillover. The argument that the spread of pop culture and consumer goods around the world represents the triumph of Western civilization depreciates the strength of other cultures while trivializing Western culture by identifying it with fatty foods, faded pants, and fizzy drinks. The essence of Western culture is the Magna Carta, not the Magna Mac. The modernization argument is intellectually more serious than the Coca-colonization thesis, but equally flawed. The tremendous expansion of scientific and engineering knowledge that occurred in the nineteenth century allowed humans to control and shape their environment in This article is 汉译英 摘自徐坤的中篇小说《年轻的朋友来相会》广外教授有翻译出版《徐坤短篇小说集》 看到原题气到晕厥,没有好好研读,就过了一眼。气哭! 考的有删节,我就贴出考的那部分吧。 老同学们互相盘问这,询问那,二十年过去,彼此传递的,却已经都是生死讯息了啊 老家在梅河口的那个老毕。还记得不?哪个哪个?就是那个,平时蔫不唧不爱说话,拉得一手好胡琴那个。已经去世了。是吗?真的吗?可不是嘛。大前年。胃癌。年龄不到五十。家里还有两个孩子,爱人还下岗。怪可怜的。 ---小胡,还记得不?在学校时老是小胡小胡地叫,其实早就是出版社的副总了。前年,也出车祸死了。去青海开会,遇到塌方。怎么那么寸,一行三辆车,石头就砸他的车上,车里边还就他一个人死。司机和副驾驶座上的人都没事。你说这是不是命啊?命里注定。 一--还有一一个孙立惠也没来?跟老公出国去了澳大利亚。咱班出国的人还真不算很多。唉,学中文的,出啥出哇,出去了又能干点啥?也不就那么回事嘛。出去了.混得不好,还不-定比呆在国内强。就说孙立惠吧,那年回来省亲,请老同学见面,嗳,你在不在?没来哇?你可不知道,把人请到家里去,桌子上就摆了几块小点心,几瓶小饮料,连顿饭也没舍得请,太寒磣人了!咱也知道人家是学得洋气了,可是人一回来,到了东北家乡这块地界.上,最起码也要符合国情吧? 一是啊 ,得罪谁也别得罪老同学,得罪了老同学,等于绝了自己归乡的道儿, |
@Iquy 357英语翻译基础 “十三五” , high sea , 扫黑除恶, fresh water, 稳预期,退伍军人,下岗工人,实体经济,供给侧结构性改革,block chain,the law of the jungle,Achilles' heel 英译中: 关键词 cultural pluralism,"triumph of the singular culture", Japan and other non-western societies modernization and economic development Muslim, Islam 中译英:徐坤小说翻译----老同学聚会(原文需要之后再找) 第一段总括几个老同学见面的场景,谈论没来的老同学的人生 下面三段为口语化呈现 第二段 讲一个人得了胃癌 第三段 讲一个人很早就当了印刷出版社的副经理,却因出差时的塌方,石头刚好且只砸到他而死 第四段 讲一个人跟老公移民去了澳大利亚,感觉她过得不好,被西化,回家乡省亲招待客人时只随便摆了些零食和饮料到桌上,很寒碜,没按中国的国情来走 |
@Mless 一、词条 CE 15个 十三五,全媒体,区块链,退伍军人,下岗工人,革命老区,扫黑除恶,供给侧结构性改革 EC 15个 The Hill of Achilles, high sea, transport logistical hub, cloud computing 二、EC 段落不短,但是容易看懂,没有生词。讲世界各国正在寻求去西方化。 三、CE 选自徐坤的小说《年轻的朋友来相会》,老友相聚的场景,特别口语化。译好很难。 欧阳利锋老师有这本译书,不知道后来要考广外的同学是不是会疯狂以此押题。 |
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