新型国际关系 A new kind of international relations ;精准扶贫 Targeted measures in poverty alleviation;四个全面 The "Four Comprehensives" "十三五"规划 the 13th Five-Year Plan :房地产“去库存” Real estate destocking ;供给侧改革 Supply side reform 利益共同体community of common interests ;21世纪海上丝绸之路 the 21st Century Maritime Silk Road ;丝绸之路经济带 the Silk Road Economic Belt 亚太梦 Asia-Pacific dream ;新常态 new normal ;亚太自贸区 Free Trade Area of the Asia-Pacific, FTAAP 房产限购 homebuying restrictions; 网络直播 live video streaming;依法治国rule of law
差额选举 competitive election
社会主义市场经济 the socialist market economy;中医 traditional Chinese medicine 留守儿童 left-behind children;证券市场 stock market 简政放权 streamline administration and delegate government powers;人肉搜索 cyber manhunt 首次公开募股 initial public offering(简称IPO);八项规定 eight-point austerity rules 一带一路 the Belt and Road,英文缩写用“B&R”;土豪 local tyrant;Beverly Hillbillies ;维码 QR code/two-dimensional code 打脸 slap in the face;正能量 positive energy 微信 WeChat;低调 keep a low profile / low-key 海淘cross-border online shopping ;权力寻租 rent-seeking ;付费网络直播paid live webcast 潜规则 hidden rules/unspoken rules;反垄断调查 anti-monopoly investigations;区域经济一体化 regional economic integration 新能源汽车(new energy vehicles,NEV);金砖国家新发展银行(New Development Bank,NDB);地下钱庄 underground banks 雄安新区 Xiongan New Area ;棚户区改造 renovation of shanty towns;洗钱 money laundering 电商巨头 e-commerce giants;永恒之蓝 Eternal Blue 校园贷 campus loan;大道至简 Great Truths Are Always Simple;京津冀协同发展 Coordinated Development for the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Region 虚拟现实 Virtual Reality (简称VR);创新驱动发展战略 Strategy of innovation-driven development;改革进入深水区 Reform entering a deep-water zone 让权力在阳光下运行Making the exercise of power more transparent;改革红利 The Reform Dividend;大众创业,万众创新 Widespread entrepreneurship and innovation 征集民意 soliciting public’s opinions;一线城市 first-tier cities 支教 participate in a volunteer teaching program ;省会城市 provincial capital;打铁还需自身硬 To forge iron, one must be strong(CNN以及《纽约时报》) To forge iron, you need a strong hammer(英国《每日电讯报》) 以市场为导向的价格机制 market-oriented pricing mechanism ;铁杆粉丝 hardcore fans 以房养老 house-for-pension ;共享单车 shared bikes;低碳发展 low-carbon development 标本兼治 tackle both symptoms and root causes;长途漫游费 long-distance and roaming fees ; 中等收入陷阱 middle-income trap ;空间交会对接 space rendezvous and docking 美国总统选举 the US presidential election;国家最高科技奖 the State Supreme Science and Technology Award 自媒体 We Media;小产权房 houses with limited property rights;剩女 Leftover Women 高考移民 National College Entrance Exam migrant ;学术不端academic misconduct 区域经济一体化 regional economic integration 钓鱼岛Diaoyu Islands:渐进式延迟退休raising the retirement age in progressive steps ;第一夫人效应the "first lady" effect
后高考经济 after-gaokao economy ;天价大虾pricey prawn;全面二孩政策the universal two-child policy 社交网站Social Media sites ;房奴mortgage slave;医闹medical troubles 医患纠纷patient-doctor dispute ;社交网站Social Media sites ;固定资产投资investment in fixed assets 快捷支付 one-off money transfers ;虚拟信用卡 virtual credit card ;亚太经济圈Asia-Pacific economic circle ;多次入境签证 multi-entry visa valid for several years 中美元首会晤 meeting between the heads of state of China and the US ;政治副中心deputy political center ;全天候战略合作伙伴关系all-weather strategic partnership of cooperation 悬浮议会Hung Parliament ;顺风车ride sharing ;枪版电影Bootleg version 煲剧Binge-watching;雪花一代Snowflake generation(指的是2010年代的青壮年,他们与前几代人相比,适应性差,且更容易生气。);洪荒之力Prehistoricalpower
场舞square dancing ;包容性增长inclusive growth ;京剧 Beijing Opera/Peking Opera
包容性增长inclusive growth ;克强经济学 Likonomics;剁手党 hands-chopping people
熊猫外交 panda diplomacy ;空巢青年 empty nest of youth ;小目标Small goal;