发现pdf形式大家都不怎么下,那我就发一个文字版本的。希望可以有所帮助吧。凭借记忆找到了summary文章的出处,来自于一本书 Cultural Tourism in Europe的chapter 1. 40分 The cultural heritage of Europe is"one of the oldest and most important generators of tourism" (Thorburn, 1986), and itretains its central role in the European tourism industry to this day. According to the European Union,"tourism, and especially cultural tourism in a broader sense,..... deserve priorityattention" as policy areas (Bernadini, 1992). Cultural tourism has become recognized as animportant agent of economic and social change in Europe. Politicians now refer to culturalheritage as "Italy’s General Motors" (Fanelli, 1993) or as "the oil industry ofFrance" (Mosser, 1994).
The dramatic metaphors attached to therapid growth of tourism and cultural consumption are appropriate. The cultural and touristindustries appear to be advancing in all European nations and regions, occupying the spacesvacated by manufacturing industry, and claiming strategic city centre locations (Corijn andMommaas, 1995). Cultural consumption has grown, and tourism is an increasinglyimportant form of cultural consumption, encouraged and funded by local, national andsupranational bodies. This reflects the change from an era when production drove consumption, to theconsumer society where consumption drives production. By attracting that most mobileof consumers, the tourist, cities, regions and nations can secure the consumption powernecessary to fuel their productive capacity.
The cultural tourism market in Europe istherefore becoming increasingly competitive. A growing number of cities and regions in theEuropean Union are basing their tourism development strategies on the promotion ofcultural heritage, and the number of cultural attractions is growing rapidly. Traditionalcultural attractions such as museums and galleries are having to reassess their role as thepressure to generate visitor income intensifies, and the need to compete with a new generationof commercial tourist attractions grows. The opening up of new cultural tourismdestinations in Eastern and Central Europe will add to the growing supply of distractions for theEuropean cultural tourist in future.
On the global stage, Europe has longenjoyed a dominant position in international tourism and the cultural industries. However, justas manufacturers are facing growing global competition, so Europe can no longer becomplacent about its leading position in the cultural tourism market. Europe is losing marketshare in the global tourism market as a whole (Brent-Ritchie HW DO, 1993), and it isalso facing growing competition in the sphere of cultural production and consumption.
The culture and tourism industries are nowgrowing fastest in those areas which used to be on the margins of global production. Agrowing number of tourists are forsaking the Mediterranean beaches for the palm-fringeddelights of Asia and the Caribbean. The manufacture of CDs and much other culturalsoftware is now dominated by East Asia. Countries in these former peripheralregions are also beginning to compete with Europe in traditional ’high culture’ markets.Examples include the moves by Singapore to literally ’buy into’ the international art auctionsmarket, and the creation by the Taiwanese government of a $365 million cultural foundation tounderpin the island’s fast growing art market Greg Richards (1996, ed.) Cultural Tourismin Europe.(Robertson, 1993).
There is no doubt that culture is animportant tourism resource in Europe, and that maintaining the competitiveness of theEuropean tourism product is vital. However, a number of questions surround the use ofcultural resources by tourists. Who are the tourists who use these cultural facilities? Why dothey engage in cultural tourism? How great is the demand for cultural tourism? What elementsof culture attract cultural tourists? Whose culture is being consumed by the culturaltourists? Few previous studies have attempted to answer these basic questions.
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