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24考研 | 英语写作素材积累(一)书信篇



发表于 2023-8-15 09:59:32 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
【称谓】顶格写。Dear XXX,题目中没有出现名字的男性:Dear Sir;没有出现名字的女性:Dear Madam有名字但不熟悉的男性:Dear Mr. XXX;有名字但不熟悉的女性:Dear Miss/Mrs. XXX有称谓,比如教授/博士/经理/主席:Dear+称谓+姓名熟悉的人:Dear+名字/Dear my friend写给机构(不知道男女):Dear Sir or Madam

第一段①寒暄:(私人书信)寒暄多用于私人书信,写给你的朋友的。就像我们平时写信一样,上来先得扯几句客气话。大概就是:好久不见/最近在干嘛呢?It’s really a long time since we last met. How’s everything going with you?How are you getting on/along with your life recently?回信的话可以说:很高兴收到你的来信……I’m very pleased to hear from you.It’s really a pleasure for me to have received your e-mail.
②自我介绍(公务书信):给不认识的人写信就得先做自我介绍,告诉对方我是谁:工作人员的话:属于那个机构/组织/公司等I am a staff member of(Huawei (China) Electronics Ltd.)我是(华为公司)的员工(括号里的词可换)个人的话:我是哪个学校,哪个专业的大学生/研究生(捡会写的写)I am a(freshman/sophomore/junior/senior/undergraduate/graduate)in the Department of (Chinese Language and Literature) of (Peking University)我是(北京大学)(中国语言文学学院)的(大一/大二/大三/大四/应届毕业生/研究生)括号词可换I am the president of the Students’ Union of(Beijing Foreign Studies University)我是(北京外国语大学)学生会主席
③写信目的:I am writing this letter to +辞职 tell you my decision to quit my job.询问 see if it is possible for you to provide me with information about XXX.建议 put forward some suggestions concerning XXX.道歉 show you my sincere apology about XXX.推荐 recommend XXX to you.邀请推荐 invite/welcome you to XXX/participate in XXX.祝贺 congratulate you on XXX.招募 recruit volunteers to work as assistants for XXX.感谢 convey my heartfelt thanks for XXX.投诉 express my dissatisfaction/disappointment regarding XXX.通知 inform you about/to do XXX求学 apply for admission to your university majoring in XXX.求职 apply for the XXX position in your company.倡议 call on all of you to XXX.
第三段表达感谢/期待回复/有需要请联系XXX/祝福(视不同书信类型调整)Thank you very much for your due attention to my email.非常感谢您对我邮件的关注。I look forward to hearing from you soon. 盼即赐复。I am looking forward to your favorable reply at your earliest convenience. 期待您在方便之时尽快给予我答复。I shall appreciate it a lot if you could schedule an interview with me at your convenience.如果您方便的话,我希望我们可以见一面。If you have any further question concerning it, please feel free to contact me for more detailed information. 如果您有任何问题,请随时与我联系以获取更详细的信息。I hope you find my suggestions useful and I would be ready to discuss about this matter with you to further details. 我希望我的建议对您有用,我愿意就进一步的细节与您进行讨论。Wish you all the best.祝你一切顺利。Wish you a splendid university life.祝你有一个美好的大学生活。Wish you a pleasant journey / stay in China.祝您旅途愉快/在中国玩得愉快。

【礼貌语】位于正文右下角,第一个单词的首字母要大写,后面要加逗号。1)万能:Yours sincerely, 或 Sincerely yours,2)私人:Yours faithfully, 或 Faithfully yours,3)公务:Yours truly, 或 Truly yours,
【署名】位于结束语下方。考研作文不允许署真名,题目中一般要求签名为“Li Ming”或”Zhang Wei”。

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