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发表于 2017-8-3 16:41:54 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式





  学院有多个研究机构,形成了以企业国际化为核心特色的重点研究方向,科研成果明显。2011年-2016年期间,共有507篇论文成果,79篇论文被SSCI、SCI 、EI期刊检索或收录。2011-2016年度共有10个国家级项目、39个省部级项目。我院教师共出版有32部著作、18项咨询报告被政府采纳或科技成果成功申请专利。




  The School of Business of Guangdong University of Foreign Studies, was established in 1982,as an outgrowth of the Department of Business Management of the formerGuangzhou Institute of Foreign Trade. Committed to a vision of growing into ahigh-level internationalized business school with distinctive features, theSchool of Business aims to develop top business talents with an internationalvision who are equipped with solid expertise, excellent interculturalcommunication skills and practical abilities.      

  The School of Business offers four master programmes including three academic master programmes,namely The Master of Business Management, The Master of Technology Economicsand Management, and The Master of Tourism Management, and one professional MBAprogramme. The School of Business also offers four undergraduate programmes: aBachelor of Business Administration, a Bachelor of Marketing, a Bachelor ofHuman Resources Management and a Bachelor of Logistics Management. In 2012, theBusiness Administration discipline was listed as a provincial advantageous keydiscipline.In 2014, the School was selected as the international innovation andbusiness management talent training model innovation pilot area of Guangdongprovince. In 2015, MBA programme received AMBA accreditation, that made  School of Business of GDUFS  the 26thAMBA accredited school in China, and the 225thin the world. In 2016, "Business Ethicsand Social Responsibility" was rated as the national high-quality videopublic course. In the same year, the School launched EPAS accreditation, andreceived EFMD membership. In 2017, the School launched the AACSB accreditationprocess and received the membership.      

  The School of Business has 77 full-time teaching and administrative staff and 50 part-timeprofessional teachers. The School has a strong faculty team, including 1 PearlRiver Scholar, 3 Overseas Yunshan Scholars and 2 Yunshan Young Scholars. Ourfaculty team has 58 full-time teachers with 23 professors and 20 associateprofessors, 62% of our faculty have an overseas degree or overseas educationexperience .The School strives to build a faculty team with strong teaching andresearch capabilities and be able to deliver professional courses inEnglish.The School has several research institutes which focus on enterpriseinternationalisation. From 2011 to 2016, the School published 507 papers and 32monographs and participated in 3 key National Social Science Fund programmes,24 national programmes, and 113 provincial programmes. Moreover, 18 ofconsulting reports have been adopted by the government.      

  The School attaches great importance to a full range of cooperation with internationaluniversities and institutions. To date, it has established cooperativerelationships with over 40 international famous universities overseas like Arizona State University, University of Queensland, University of Lancaster,Grenoble Business School, and University of St. Thomas. Cooperation areas coverjoint research, teacher exchange, student exchange, double-degree programmes,overseas study trips and jointly hosting academic conferences.      

  The Schoolhas always paid attention to developing students' entrepreneurial ability,application ability, critical thinking and communication skills. Students havereceived national awards at all levels of competitions. The student employmentrate has been 100% for many years. Graduates are mainly engaged in themanagement of multinational companies, national companies, foreign companies,financial and insurance companies, management consulting companies andgovernment departments.      


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