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One of the most significant evolutionary event (events) that occurred on Earth was the transition of water-dwelling fish to terrestrial tetrapods four-imbed organisms with backbones). Fish probably originated in the oceans and our first records of them are in marine rocks.
However , by the Devonian Period (408 million to 362 million years ago), they had radiated into almost all available aquatic habitats including freshwater settings. One of the groups whose fossils are especially common in rocks deposited in fresh water is the lobe-finned.
What ecological pressures might have caused fishes to gradually abandon their watery habitat and become increasingly land-dwelling creatures? Changes in climate during the Devonian may have had anything (something) to do with this if freshwater areas became progressively more restricted. Another impetus may have been new sources of food.
The edges of ponds and streams surely had scattered dead fish and other water-dwelling creatures. In addition, plants had emerged into terrestrial habitats in areas near streams and ponds,and crabs and other arthropods were also members of this earliest terrestrial community. Thus, by the Devonian the land habitat marginal to freshwater was probably a rich source of protein that could be exploited by an animal that could easily climb out of water. Evidence from teeth suggests that these earliest tetrapods did not utilize land plants as food, they were presumably carnivorous and had not developed the ability to feed on plants
直到Roman 被侵略后英语才开始 搭配introduce 还是 emerge
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第三篇:法律相关,说的是美国陪审团。题目:1. explain ”reasonable doubt” 2. Explain “the final problem is legalese”
问答题比较喜欢考explain, paraphrase, main idea,
3.作文: 美国声称中国违反了国际贸易规则,因此发起贸易战,并认为贸易战是一种negotiating tactic to make China comply with the rules. 对此你的观点是什么?