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[英语学硕MA] 【明德尚行教育】2020年广外英语学硕MA801英语写作与翻译专业课考研初试回忆真题



发表于 2019-12-13 13:50:55 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
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‘Intensive’ Parenting Is Now the Norm in America
The style of child-rearing that most aspire to takes a lot of time and money, and many families can’t pull it off.
The Atlantic
Joe Pinsker

Supervised, enriching playtime. Frequent conversations about thoughts and feelings. Patient, well-reasoned explanations of household rules. And extracurriculars. Lots and lots of extracurriculars.

These are the oft-stereotyped hallmarks of a parenting style that has been common in upper-middle-class households for at least a generation. But according to a recent survey, this child-rearing philosophy now has a much broader appeal, one that holds across race and class. The survey, which polled roughly 3,600 parents of children ages 8 to 10 who were demographically and economically representative of the national population, found evidence that hands-on parenting is not just what the well-off practice—it’s what everyone aspires to.

Intensive is the adjective that researchers, including Patrick Ishizuka, a postdoctoral fellow at Cornell University who published the survey results late last year, use to describe this model of raising kids. It’s difficult to nail down precisely when it became the standard that so many American parents hold themselves to, but its approach seems built for an era of widening economic inequality, in which the downsides of a child falling behind economically are the largest they’ve been in generations.

Intensive parenting was first identified as a middle-class phenomenon, most notably by the sociologists Sharon Hays and Annette Lareau in the 1990s and 2000s, respectively. Lareau in particular called the approach “concerted cultivation” and contrasted it with a vision of parenting she labeled “the accomplishment of natural growth,” which entails much less parental involvement and which she found to be more common among working-class and poorer parents. A big lingering question since then has been why these class differences exist: Did poorer families have different notions of what makes for good parenting, or did they simply lack the resources to practice the parenting styles they believed would be better?

What’s useful about Ishizuka’s survey data is they suggest that even if parenting style differs by class, parenting attitudes—what parents think they should do—currently don’t. Jessica McCrory Calarco, a sociologist at Indiana University who studies parenting and has written about it for The Atlantic, explained in an email why she thinks this new study (which she was not involved in) is significant: “If parents from different social class backgrounds are engaging in different parenting practices … it’s not because those parents value different parenting practices,” she wrote. “Instead, there must be some other reason.”

Because intensive parenting requires an abundance of time and money, the reason is likely that some families have more resources than others. “Poverty not only limits parents’ ability to pay for music lessons, for example, but is also a major source of stress that can influence parents’ energy, attention, and patience when interacting with children,” Ishizuka told me.

Academic researchers have traced the origins of intensive parenting to the mid-20th century. But the timing of how it spread is somewhat uncertain: Ishizuka said there unfortunately aren’t historical survey data showing “how pervasive cultural norms of intensive parenting were among parents of different social classes and when they may have diffused.”

A plausible history of the past couple decades of American parenting, though, is that a critical mass of families with sufficient means started engaging in intensive parenting, and then everyone else followed. “That would be consistent with prior research on cultural shifts, which have shown that elite culture gradually becomes mass culture,” Calarco explained.

Intensive parenting is a style of child-rearing fit for an age of inequality, indicative of a stratified past, present, and future. The past: As some social scientists have theorized, the tilt toward intensive parenting originated at least in part from parents’ anxieties about their children competing for education and jobs. (The more extracurriculars, the logic of intensive parenting goes, the better the odds of getting into an excellent college and of securing one of the high-paying jobs that America cordons off for the best-credentialed.) The present: As Ishizuka described, intensive parenting is an ideal that’s currently out of reach for many families. And the future: Practiced as it is by some families but not others, it might replicate—or even widen—inequities in future generations.

Many children surely benefit from being raised like this—concerted cultivation can serve them well later in life, teaching them how to manage their time and assert their individuality. But heavily involved parenting can at the same time stunt kids’ sense of self-reliance, and overcommitted after-school schedules can leave them exhausted. Also, there is some evidence that parents who overdo it increase the risk that their children will grow up to be depressed and less satisfied with life. And on the parents’ side, the intensive ideal can lead parents—particularly mothers—to fear that they aren’t doing enough to give their child the best future possible.

In part because of the strain that intensive child-rearing puts on parents and kids, some parents have started moving away from the practice and toward free-range parenting, a hands-off child-rearing philosophy that recommends against constant monitoring (and that isn’t unlike “the accomplishment of natural growth”).

But as Calarco has pointed out, free-range parenting comes with a double standard: When whiter, more affluent parents practice it, it’s welcomed as a corrective to more overbearing approaches, but when poorer parents and parents of color practice it, it can be viewed as neglectful. Which means free-range parenting might be rooted in inequality, just like the philosophy that it’s a reaction to.

You must have seen many changes in Chinese since your childhood. Please chose two positive changes and two negative ones and decide which one is most important. You may think of the aspects of communication, education... or the attitudes towards... Justify your choice and decision.

He was the start of diplomatic mission to Chinese—a mission unknown to him at that time, to his families and all his friends, would lead him to an outstanding and unexpected direction. Joseph Needham
从十几世Jesuits Fathers
warriors, adventurers... sent and brought back a tale of China, 提到了porcelain, emperor, deaths of one thousand cuts...



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 楼主| 发表于 2019-12-22 17:42:26 | 只看该作者
@chǒng chóng
作文写changes in childhood
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 楼主| 发表于 2019-12-22 17:50:42 | 只看该作者
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 楼主| 发表于 2019-12-23 14:33:38 | 只看该作者
@End of the World
英语写作与翻译,summary考intensive parenting,作文,写在你成长中的2个积极的和消极的变化,
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 楼主| 发表于 2019-12-23 15:03:48 | 只看该作者
考的是Intensive Parenting,hands-on教育,相当于揠苗助长式高压教育成为无论是中高产阶级还是普通百姓的青睐,给孩子施压、各种培训辅导课下活动,这种竞争实则加剧了不平等。中间有提到这种教育方法和态度在不同经济水平的家庭的对比,这种教育方式在美国的发展,文末说了孩子们对此的态度,也说了这做法的弊端(身心俱疲,加剧对生活的绝望,还有父母的愧疚感),所以有家长选择hands-off教育,给孩子自由,但即便如此,在不同人种的观点里也有不同的标准,白人是认可的,而其他人种却不太行。目测应该是比往年真题长度长了一大半,有七八百字...所以写作字数也长了一点,200-250字。由于我是最后做这部分,已经挺累的了,还剩四十分钟左右而已,就只能看一遍每一段,写个大意,圈关键词、画个别关键句,觉得没啥用的直接跳过...然后根据第一遍看的凑起来一个逻辑开始写。
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 楼主| 发表于 2019-12-23 15:16:50 | 只看该作者
@ 来时末上初熏

作文: describe your two positive changes, two nagatives changes, and decide which one is the most importance 500~600字

翻译 汉译英兰亭集序前序的白话文
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发表于 2019-12-24 13:12:49 | 只看该作者
‘Intensive’ Parenting Is Now the Norm in America
The style of child-rearing that most aspire to takes a lot of time and money, and many families can’t pull it off.
The Atlantic
Joe Pinsker

Supervised, enriching playtime. Frequent conversations about thoughts and feelings. Patient, well-reasoned explanations of household rules. And extracurriculars. Lots and lots of extracurriculars.

These are the oft-stereotyped hallmarks of a parenting style that has been common in upper-middle-class households for at least a generation. But according to a recent survey, this child-rearing philosophy now has a much broader appeal, one that holds across race and class. The survey, which polled roughly 3,600 parents of children ages 8 to 10 who were demographically and economically representative of the national population, found evidence that hands-on parenting is not just what the well-off practice—it’s what everyone aspires to.

Intensive is the adjective that researchers, including Patrick Ishizuka, a postdoctoral fellow at Cornell University who published the survey results late last year, use to describe this model of raising kids. It’s difficult to nail down precisely when it became the standard that so many American parents hold themselves to, but its approach seems built for an era of widening economic inequality, in which the downsides of a child falling behind economically are the largest they’ve been in generations.

Intensive parenting was first identified as a middle-class phenomenon, most notably by the sociologists Sharon Hays and Annette Lareau in the 1990s and 2000s, respectively. Lareau in particular called the approach “concerted cultivation” and contrasted it with a vision of parenting she labeled “the accomplishment of natural growth,” which entails much less parental involvement and which she found to be more common among working-class and poorer parents. A big lingering question since then has been why these class differences exist: Did poorer families have different notions of what makes for good parenting, or did they simply lack the resources to practice the parenting styles they believed would be better?

What’s useful about Ishizuka’s survey data is they suggest that even if parenting style differs by class, parenting attitudes—what parents think they should do—currently don’t. Jessica McCrory Calarco, a sociologist at Indiana University who studies parenting and has written about it for The Atlantic, explained in an email why she thinks this new study (which she was not involved in) is significant: “If parents from different social class backgrounds are engaging in different parenting practices … it’s not because those parents value different parenting practices,” she wrote. “Instead, there must be some other reason.”

Because intensive parenting requires an abundance of time and money, the reason is likely that some families have more resources than others. “Poverty not only limits parents’ ability to pay for music lessons, for example, but is also a major source of stress that can influence parents’ energy, attention, and patience when interacting with children,” Ishizuka told me.

Academic researchers have traced the origins of intensive parenting to the mid-20th century. But the timing of how it spread is somewhat uncertain: Ishizuka said there unfortunately aren’t historical survey data showing “how pervasive cultural norms of intensive parenting were among parents of different social classes and when they may have diffused.”

A plausible history of the past couple decades of American parenting, though, is that a critical mass of families with sufficient means started engaging in intensive parenting, and then everyone else followed. “That would be consistent with prior research on cultural shifts, which have shown that elite culture gradually becomes mass culture,” Calarco explained.

Intensive parenting is a style of child-rearing fit for an age of inequality, indicative of a stratified past, present, and future. The past: As some social scientists have theorized, the tilt toward intensive parenting originated at least in part from parents’ anxieties about their children competing for education and jobs. (The more extracurriculars, the logic of intensive parenting goes, the better the odds of getting into an excellent college and of securing one of the high-paying jobs that America cordons off for the best-credentialed.) The present: As Ishizuka described, intensive parenting is an ideal that’s currently out of reach for many families. And the future: Practiced as it is by some families but not others, it might replicate—or even widen—inequities in future generations.

Many children surely benefit from being raised like this—concerted cultivation can serve them well later in life, teaching them how to manage their time and assert their individuality. But heavily involved parenting can at the same time stunt kids’ sense of self-reliance, and overcommitted after-school schedules can leave them exhausted. Also, there is some evidence that parents who overdo it increase the risk that their children will grow up to be depressed and less satisfied with life. And on the parents’ side, the intensive ideal can lead parents—particularly mothers—to fear that they aren’t doing enough to give their child the best future possible.

In part because of the strain that intensive child-rearing puts on parents and kids, some parents have started moving away from the practice and toward free-range parenting, a hands-off child-rearing philosophy that recommends against constant monitoring (and that isn’t unlike “the accomplishment of natural growth”).

But as Calarco has pointed out, free-range parenting comes with a double standard: When whiter, more affluent parents practice it, it’s welcomed as a corrective to more overbearing approaches, but when poorer parents and parents of color practice it, it can be viewed as neglectful. Which means free-range parenting might be rooted in inequality, just like the philosophy that it’s a reaction to.

You must have seen many changes in Chinese since your childhood. Please chose two positive changes and two negative ones and decide which one is most important. You may think of the aspects of communication, education... or the attitudes towards... Justify your choice and decision.

He was the start of diplomatic mission to Chinese—a mission unknown to him at that time, to his families and all his friends, would lead him to an outstanding and unexpected direction. Joseph Needham
从十几世Jesuits Fathers
warriors, adventurers... sent and brought back a tale of China, 提到了porcelain, emperor, deaths of one thousand cuts...

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 楼主| 发表于 2019-12-24 16:12:31 | 只看该作者
概括成200-250字 真的蛮长的
总体就是说hands-on parenting style(intensive parenting style)变得受欢迎了,然后说这种培养孩子的方式来源(比较富裕的家庭,中上阶级家庭),其实质是不平等的产物inequality。
这种方式是工薪阶级家庭所向往的理想状态。但据研究数据表明工人阶级穷人家庭并没有采取这样的方式。原因在于家庭经济状况支撑不起。再后来就是说了这种intensive style对家长孩子双方有弊端(举了几个例子),所以有些家长便转向hands-off style(natural growth)。结尾说了即使如此,这也同hands-on style一样,这些children-rearing philosophy都是源于不平等。只有富人作为引领方,这种方式才会受到追捧,而如果是其他则不会有什么大的影响。

二、Essay writing(500-600字)
Many changes must have taken place since your childhood. List two positive changes and two negative changes. (transportation, transaction, communication...这是题目列出来的你可以写进去的方面)

英译汉:说的来华的第一批外交使团李约翰(Joseph needham),然后提到西方国家如何一步步开始认识了解中国的,提到了马可波罗balabala的,后面还有一串比较中国特色的词比如the ceremonies of kowtow叩首礼,ivory chopsticks象牙筷等等。

汉译英:关于兰亭集序的,放心不是文言文,是那种比较白话的。能看懂的,大可放心。可以参考一下这个文言版本的,我找的林语堂版本。考场那个版本就类似用白话把这个文言版本解释了一遍。最后一段还说到了了天人合一(the harmony between man and nature)
It is the ninth year of Yonghe (A.C. 353), also known as the year of Guichou in terms of the Chinese lunar calendar.On one of those late spring days, we gather at the Orchid Pavilion, which is located in Shanyin County, Kuaiji Prefecture, for dispelling bad luck and praying for good fortune.The attendees of the gathering are all virtuous intellectuals, varying from young to old. Endowed with great mountains and lofty peaks, Orchid Pavilion has flourishing branches and high bamboo bushes all around, together with a clear winding brook engirdled, which can thereby serve the guests by floating the wine glasses on top for their drinking. Seated by the bank of brook, people will still regale themselves right by poetizing their mixed feelings and emotions with wine and songs, never mind the absence of melody from string and wind instruments.
是日也,天朗气清,惠风和畅。 仰观宇宙之大,俯察品类之盛。所以游目骋(chěng)怀,足以极视听之娱,信可乐也。
It is such a wonderful day, with fresh air and mild breeze.Facing upwards to the blue sky, we behold the vast immensity of the universe; when bowing our heads towards the ground, we again satisfy ourselves with the diversity of species.Thereby we can refresh our views and let free our souls, with luxuriant satisfaction done to both ears and eyes. How infinite the cheer is!

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 楼主| 发表于 2019-12-25 17:33:49 | 只看该作者
summary特别长,试卷纸三面满满,大概内容是intensive parenting吧,要求写200-250字。
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