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[资料下载] 2017年两会热词+重点热词精选



发表于 2018-1-18 10:24:04 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
1 新零售 new retail
New Retail is a term that roughly indicates a combination of the best in physical and online retail. The latter leverage their troves of consumer data in order to integrate offline stores, merchandise, logistics and payment tools to deliver a better overall shopping experience.

2 雄安新区 Xiongan New Area
China will develop the Xiongan New Area in Hebei, parallel to the Shenzhen Special Economic Zone and the Shanghai Pudong New Area, to serve as another economic engine and advance the coordinated development of the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region.
雄安新区位于北京市西南100公里处,位于京津冀地区核心腹地,由河北省保定市所辖雄县、容城、安新3县组成,区位优势明显(incomparable geographical advantages)、交通便捷、生态环境优良、资源丰富(ample resources),发展空间充裕(lots of room for development)。设立雄安新区将有助于疏解北京非首都功能(noncapital functions)、探索人口密集地区优化开发新模式(explore a new model of optimized development in densely populated areas)以及调整京津冀城市布局(restructure the urban layout in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region)。

3 熊猫外交 panda diplomacy
The People's Republic of China used panda diplomacy in the 1950s and has become known in recent decades for this practice. From 1958 to 1982, China gave 23 pandas to nine different countries. Pandas have become important diplomatic symbols.

4智能行人闯红灯取证系统 intelligent system for jaywalking identification
Intelligent system for jaywalking identification is a 24-hour non-stop supervision on pedestrians crossing the roads. It takes shots of pedestrians who ignore red lights and displays photos of pedestrian traffic offenders on an electronic screen.
该系统全称为“智能行人闯红灯取证系统”(intelligent system for jaywalking identification),是由深圳交警结合视频识别技术研发的,通过对斑马线进行24小时不间断的监管(24-hour non-stop supervision)。如果有行人闯红灯,监控摄像头会自动抓拍(taking shots of pedestrians who ignore red lights),并实时显示在电子显示屏上滚动播放(displaying photos of pedestrian traffic offenders on an electronic screen)。
该系统主要通过视频检测到行人闯红灯的行为(identify jaywalking pedestrians via video),深度学习人脸技术,对人脸进行实时提取和识别(retrieve and recognize human faces),自动储存闯红灯的人脸数据,并通过实时搜索比对,结合大数据运算,查找出同一个人是否有多次闯红灯行为(a repeat jaywalker),通过数据对接手段,核实其身份。

5天舟一号 Tianzhou-1
Tianzhou 1 (Chinese: 天舟一号) is the debut mission of the Tianzhou-class unmanned cargo spacecraft. It is developed as part of the manned space program of China. Tianzhou means "heavenly vessel" in Chinese. On 20 April 2017, Tianzhou 1 was launched by rocket Long March 7 at China Wenchang Spacecraft Launch Site. It successfully docked with the Tiangong-2 space laboratory on 22 April 2017 at 12:16.
天舟一号是我国自主研制的首艘货运飞船(the first cargo spacecraft developed by China),也是中国目前为止体积最大、重量最重的航天器。由于它只运货,不送人,所以被形象地称为太空“快递小哥”。天舟一号6.5吨的物资运输能力使其成为世界上运输能力最强的现役货运飞船。

6多证合一 integrating multiple certifications and licenses into one consolidated business license
“多证合一”,是在去年已经全面实施的工商营业执照(business license)、组织机构代码证(organization code certificate)和税务(tax registration certificate)、社会保险(social security registration)、统计登记证(statistical registration certificate)“五证合一”改革的基础上,将涉及市场主体登记、备案(market entity registration and record)等有关事项和各类证照进一步整合到营业执照上。逐步使“一照一码”营业执照(a unified business license with a unified social credit code)成为企业走天下的唯一“身份证”。

7扫码打赏 tipping via QR code
Tipping via QR code is a kind of digital payment and a part of everyday life. In the first-tier cities, digital payment is applied to upgrade services, like online shopping.
“扫码打赏”(tipping via QR code)是二维码等数字支付方式(digital payment)走入日常生活的又一个体现。在北上广深等一线城市,一些中大型餐饮机构早已尝试用数字化的方式推动服务升级,比如,网上提前点餐(online ordering)、支付宝或微信买单等。

8类脑智能 brain-inspired intelligence
类脑(brain-inspired intelligence)是人工智能(AI technology)发展的重要途径,通过发展类脑智能可以揭示人脑信息处理的途径(ways of information processing in the human brain),有利于完备智能技术体系,推动我国智能产业发展。

9债券通 Bond Connect
债券通”(Bond Connect)是指境内外投资者通过香港与内地债券市场基础设施机构连接,买卖两个市场交易流通债券的机制安排。
northbound trading: allowing Hong Kong and other overseas investors to invest in the China Interbank Bond Market through mutual access between the financial infrastructure institutions in Hong Kong and the mainland with regard to trading, custody, and settlement
southbound trading: allowing mainland investors to invest in Hong Kong's bond market through mutual access between the financial infrastructure institutions of the two places

10慢就业 delayed employment
Delayed employment means that some undergraduates choose go on a study tour, participate in a volunteer teaching program, or just stay at home and wait for opportunities instead of going to work or applying for master degree.
慢就业,也叫延迟就业,指一些大学生毕业后既不打算马上就业也不打算继续深造,而是暂时选择游学(go on a study tour)、支教(participate in a volunteer teaching program)、在家陪父母或者等待机会自主创业,慢慢考虑人生道路的现象。

11共享单车 shared bikes
Shared bike is integration of mobile internet and bike rental, which is convenient for short distance travel and beneficial to the development of green transportation system.
互联网租赁自行车(internet bike rental),俗称“共享单车”(shared bikes),是分时租赁营运非机动车,是移动互联网和租赁自行车融合(integration of mobile internet and bike rental)发展的新型服务模式,是城市绿色交通系统(green transportation system)的组成部分,是方便公众短距离出行和公共交通接驳换乘的重要方式。

12逆周期因子 countercyclical factor
人民币对美元汇率中间价报价模型中引入逆周期因子(countercyclical factor),有助于适度对冲市场情绪的顺周期波动(procyclical fluctuation),合理引导市场预期,遏制市场非理性炒作行为,缓解外汇市场可能存在的“羊群效应”(lessen possible "herd effects"),从而避免人民币汇率剧烈波动(prevent excessive fluctuation of the yuan)。

13单一窗口 single window/single-window system
Single-window system makes it possible for all parties involved in international trade and transport to deal with all export and import procedures at one stop.
“单一窗口”(single-window system)指的是指参与国际贸易和运输的各方(all parties involved in international trade and transport),通过单一的平台提交标准化的信息和单证以满足相关法律法规及管理的要求,也就是说,所有的进出口手续可以一站式办理(all export and import procedures can be done at one stop),货物清关流程更加便捷、顺畅。
国务院常务会议指出,建立进出境申报(customs declaration)、物流监控(logistics monitoring)、企业资信(enterprise credit standing)等数据共享平台(information sharing platform),凡可通过口岸部门间联网查验的证件、资料不再要求企业提供,最大限度实现申报、查验、税费支付等各环节无纸化。

14入世议定书第15条 Article 15 of the Protocol on China’s Accession to the World Trade Organization
中国2001年签署《中国加入世界贸易组织议定书》时,第15条规定,世界贸易组织成员在对中国出口产品的反倾销调查(anti-dumping investigations)中使用“替代国”(surrogate country)数据的做法应当于2016年12月11日终止。
“替代国”做法(the surrogate country approach)指世贸组织成员国在计算反倾销税(anti-dumping duty)幅度时,如果认定商品的出口国为非市场经济国家(non-market economy),则引用与出口国经济发展水平大致相当的第三方市场经济国家,即替代国(surrogate country)的成本等数据计算正常价值并进而确定倾销幅度,施以对应的征税措施。

15智能轨道快运系统 Autonomous rail Rapid Transit(ART)
Autonomous Rail Rapid Transit (ART) is a railless system for urban passenger transport, similar to other guided busways. Developed by CRRC Zhuzhou Institute Co Ltd, it was unveiled in Zhuzhou in Hunan province on 2 June 2017.
The product has been described as a crossover between a train, a bus and a tram. Its external appearance, composed of individual, fixed sections joined together by articulated gangways, resembles a rubber-tyred tram, although it has the flexibility to move around like a normal articulated bus.
“智能轨道快运系统”(Autonomous rail Rapid Transit,ART)采用了中车株洲所创新团队自主研发的“虚拟轨道跟随控制”(virtual rail following control)技术,通过在车辆上安装惯性传感器(inertial sensor)或角度传感器(angular sensor)等传感器来检测车辆的姿态、坐标等信息,增加前进方向上后车轮与前轮的轨迹重合率,精准控制列车行驶在既定“虚拟轨迹”(virtual rails)上智能运行。

16蓝色经济 blue economy
blue economy, ocean-based or ocean-relevant environmentally friendly marine industries and economy, is gaining importance in China’s economy.
发展蓝色经济(blue economy),是指发展依赖于海洋或与海洋相关的环境友好型产业和经济(ocean-based or ocean-relevant environmentally friendly marine industries and economy)。
蓝色经济对中国这样的海洋大国至关重要。今后蓝色经济在国民经济中所占比重会越来越高,尤其升级传统海洋产业、壮大新兴海洋产业(optimize the traditional marine sector and speed up the development of emerging marine industries)将是今后发展的一个方向。

17悬浮议会 hung parliament
In a parliamentary system of government, a hung parliament is an expression used to describe a state of a parliament when no single political party (or bloc of allied parties) has an absolute majority of seats in the parliament (legislature) and therefore has no legitimate mandate to form a government. It is also less commonly known as a balanced parliament or a legislature under no overall control.
在已经揭晓的英国大选结果中,保守党获得306个席位(the Conservatives got 306 seats),其主要对手工党(main rival Labour)获得258席,没有政党赢得成为多数党所需的326席(no party has won 326 seats required for becoming a majority party),确定将产生"悬浮议会(hung parliament)"。出现悬浮议会后,通常有筹组联合政府(form a coalition government)、组建少数派政府(form a minority government)或重新选举(re-election)三种解决方案。

18绿色金融改革创新试验区 pilot zones for green finance reform and innovations
国务院决定,建设各有侧重、各具特色的绿色金融改革创新试验区(pilot zones for green finance reform and innovations),在体制机制上探索可复制可推广的经验(explore replicable ways to boost green financing)。
支持金融机构设立绿色金融事业部或绿色支行(to set up green finance departments or green branches)
鼓励发展绿色信贷(to encourage the development of green credit)
探索建立排污权、水权、用能权等环境权益交易市场(to roll out pilot markets for trading pollution, water and energy rights)
建立绿色产业、项目优先的政府服务通道(to provide policy support for green industries and projects)
建立绿色金融风险防范机制(to establish a risk prevention mechanism for green finance)
会议提出,鼓励小额贷款(microfinance)、金融租赁公司(financial leasing companies)等参与绿色金融业务。支持创投(venture capital)、私募基金(private equity)等境内外资本参与绿色投资。

19全球创新指数 Global Innovation Index
The Global Innovation Index (GII) is an annual ranking of countries by their capacity for, and success in, innovation. It is published by Cornell University, INSEAD, and the World Intellectual Property Organization, in partnership with other organisations and institutions, and is based on both subjective and objective data derived from several sources, including the International Telecommunication Union, the World Bank and the World Economic Forum.
全球创新指数(Global Innovation Index,GII)由世界知识产权组织、康奈尔大学以及英士国际商学院联合发布,该指数自2007年起每年发布,现已成为首要的基准工具,为全球范围内的企业高管、政策制定者等所使用。全球创新指数通过81项指标,对全球127个经济体的创新能力和可衡量成果进行评估,指标体系的81项指标分为制度(institutions)、人力资本与研究(human capital and research)、基础设施(infrastructure)、市场成熟度(market sophistication)、商业成熟度(business sophistication)、知识与技术产出(knowledge and technology outputs )、创意产出(creative outputs)等7大类。

20金砖+ BRICS plus
BRICS plus refers to BRICS further enhancing its connections, interaction, dialogue and cooperation with other developing countries and emerging market economies, in order to better reflect the common ground and collective will of the developing countries through BRICS cooperation.

21 长臂管辖 long-arm jurisdiction
Long-arm jurisdiction is the ability of local courts to exercise jurisdiction over foreign ("foreign" meaning out of jurisdiction, whether a state, province, or nation) defendants, whether on a statutory basis or through a court's inherent jurisdiction (depending on the jurisdiction). This jurisdiction permits a court to hear a case against a defendant and enter a binding judgment against a defendant residing outside the jurisdiction concerned.

At heart, the constraints on long arm jurisdiction are concepts of international law, and the principle that one country ought not exercise state power over the territory of another unless some recognized exception applies. In municipal law, the authority of a court to exercise long-arm jurisdiction must be based upon some action of the defendant which subjects him or her to the jurisdiction of the court.
美国司法长期奉行的“长臂管辖权”(Long Arm Jurisdiction),是指“当被告人的住所不在法院地州,但和该州有某种最低联系,而且所提权利要求的产生已和这种联系有关时,就该项权利要求而言,该州对于该被告人具有属人管辖权,可以在州外对被告人发出传票”。通俗来讲就是:“哪怕你不在我这个州,但只要你的行为与我有最低联系,我也能够管你。”
22 “圣安德烈”勋章 the Order of St. Andrew the Apostle
The Order of St. Andrew the Apostle the First-Called is the highest order of the Russian Federation. Established as the first and highest order of chivalry of the Russian Empire in 1698, it was abolished under the USSR before being re-established as the top Russian order in 1998.
“圣安德烈”勋章(the Order of St. Andrew the Apostle)是俄罗斯的最高勋章(the highest order of the Russian Federation),1698年由彼得一世设立,1917年,该勋章停用;1998年恢复使用,是俄罗斯最高荣誉的象征。

23人造太阳 artificial sun
东方超环(Experimental Advanced Superconducting Tokamak,EAST)是世界上第一个实现稳态高约束模式运行持续时间达到百秒量级的托卡马克核聚变实验装置,对国际热核聚变试验堆(International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor,ITER)计划具有重大科学意义。

24扶老人风险基金 risk fund for those who help the elderly
risk fund for those who help the elderly encourages the public to extend a helping hand to people in need. When in need, the fund can help investigate the incident and collect evidence, provide free legal aid and medical expense.
"扶老人风险基金(risk fund for those who help the elderly)"能为搀扶者提供良好的保护,该基金旨在鼓励大众向那些需要帮助的人伸出援手(encourage the public to extend a helping hand to people in need)。首期基金(initial fund)金额为20万元,基金时效至2020年底。任何遇上麻烦的"扶老人者"均可拨打热线电话(call the hotline),该慈善组织将派工作人员为好心人进行调查取证(investigate the incident and collect evidence),并无偿提供法律援助(provide free legal aid)、医药费(medical expense)垫付和代为赔偿服务,为搀扶老人带来的风险兜底。

25收费公路债券 toll road bond
地方政府收费公路(toll road, tollway)专项债券是地方政府专项债券的一个品种,是指地方政府为发展政府收费公路举借,以项目对应并纳入政府性基金预算管理的车辆通行费收入、专项收入偿还的专项债券(special-purpose bond)。

26无人超市 unmanned supermarket
Unmanned supermarket an innovation that is expected to promote the development of the retail industry. It combines the advantages of online and offline service and creates a new model for the retail industry so as to offer people a more convenient and efficient shopping experience.
无人超市是有望推动零售业发展的一次革新(an innovation that is expected to promote the development of the retail industry)。它将线上服务与线下服务的优势相结合(combine the advantages of online and offline service),创造了零售业的新模式(create a new model for the retail industry),旨在为人们提供更方便高效的购物体验(offer people a more convenient and efficient shopping experience)。

27滩长制 coast chief
Coast chief is responsible for imposing a comprehensive ban on illegal fishing gears and unlicensed fishing boats, strengthening supervision on waste and pesticide discharged into the sea, illegal use of coasts, illegal ship building, repairing and recycling and shoreline management and renovation.
滩长(coast chief)的主要任务包括全面取缔海滩违禁渔具、“三无”渔船(imposing a comprehensive ban on illegal fishing gears and unlicensed fishing boats),加强入海排污口和农药清滩行为监管(strengthening supervision on waste and pesticide discharged into the sea),加强非法占用海滩( illegal use of coasts)、非法修、造、拆船舶监管(illegal ship building, repairing and recycling),加强岸线管理和整治修复(shoreline management and renovation)。

28职务犯罪 work-related crime
职务犯罪(work-related crime/duty crime)是指国家机关、国有公司、企业事业单位、人民团体工作人员利用已有职权,贪污(corruption)、贿赂(bribery)、徇私舞弊(playing favoritism and committing irregularities)、滥用职权(abusing authority)、玩忽职守(dereliction of duty),侵犯公民权利(infringing civil rights),破坏国家对公务活动的规章规范,依照刑法应当予以刑事处罚的犯罪。

39悬挂式单轨列车 mounted monorail train
Mounted monorail train is new mode of transportation featuring light weight, moderate speed, medium capacity and low manufacturing cost.
悬挂式单轨列车(mounted monorail train),又被称为空轨或空中列车(sky train),是一种轻型、中速、中运量、低成本的新型公共交通方式(new mode of transportation featuring light weight, moderate speed, medium capacity and low manufacturing cost)。这款悬挂式单轨车辆爬坡能力强(strong climbing ability),最大爬坡能力达到100‰(列车前行1000米后高度上升100米),是普通地铁车辆爬坡能力三倍以上,可在地形崎岖陡峭的山区灵活运行,并保证具有较高安全性和舒适度,载客量(passenger capacity)可达到300至510余人。
悬挂式单轨列车的轨道在车的正上方,行驶中既不受雨雪天气影响,也不会有脱轨风险,列车有多种主被动安全装置,如全车监控系统(whole-train monitoring system)、蓄电池救援(battery rescue)和联挂救援(coupling rescue)等。

30现代医院管理制度 modern hospital management system
Modern hospital management system is a basic medical and healthcare system with Chinese characteristics.
现代医院管理制度(modern hospital management system)是中国特色基本医疗卫生制度(basic medical and healthcare system with Chinese characteristics)的重要组成部分。建立现代医院管理制度,要坚持以人民健康为中心,坚持公立医院的公益性,坚持政事分开(government functions separated from institution functions)、管办分开(supervision separated from day-to-day operations),坚持分类指导,鼓励探索创新,把社会效益放在首位,实行所有权与经营权分离,实现医院治理体系和管理能力现代化(modernization of hospital management system and capability)。

31灰犀牛 grey rhino
Grey rhino refers to a highly probable, high impact yet neglected threat.
灰犀牛就是指概率极大、冲击力极强却被忽视的风险(a highly probable, high impact yet neglected threat):一个我们应该意识到的风险,就像是一头两吨重的犀牛,把牛角对准我们全速向我们攻击。
目前,中国面临的“灰犀牛”风险隐患:影子银行(shadow banking)、房地产泡沫(housing market bubble)、国有企业高杠杆(high leverage ratio of the State-owned enterprises)、地方债务(local debt)、违法违规集资(illegal fund-raising)等问题。


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